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SUBA Board Meeting February 14, 2019
9am Cache Valley Bank

Board Members in attendance: Dannielle Larkin, Holly O’Keefe, Ryan Gurr, Tom Dansie, Kevin Lewis, Nathan Merrill, Will Guase

Others in attendance: Scott Messel, Tracy Munson (UDOT)

Discussion on trail maps, county website, and options for printed maps (maybe by specific section of the County). Make pdf printables available on website. Phase 2.5 funding to add more trails and more content is now underway.

Minutes, no minutes for review. Will approve at next meeting.
Review of financial statement: Two new donations.
Website review: Need Board member bios, pictures for Board member page.

Grant update:
Ironman: School pump project – pumps have been distributed. Working on survey.
New Grant: IHC grant ($500) to encourage local citizens to incorporate riding into daily activity, with focus on elementary age children.
Possibilities to use money at Legacy Elementary. Maybe speak to school and see what needs are. Dannielle is willing. Maybe work with Bicycle Collective to fix bikes up. Dannielle to speak with principal and Judith and collective.

Transportation Expo Feedback:
Positive response from crowd. Good support.
Cyclists should not scare dogs.
Specific feedback:
Washington trail deadends (Washington Dam Road, Hell Hole Trail, Cottonwood Wash Trail)
Need to figure out how to make connection to County Fairgrounds
County wide connections, need support from County and Hurricane
Maybe make presentation to County Planning Commission and County Commission
Dannielle and Scott to work on presentation to Planning Commissions
La Verkin and Toquerville also showing interest in trails
Connectivity on trails is critical for all areas of the County
From houses to destinations (shopping centers, etc.)
Build infrastructure to support bikes (bike racks, etc.)
Example: 1450 and River Road, no connectivity to businesses

Trail connection on Dixie Drive trails (new missing link) 
Trail connection to Sunbrook from Dixie Drive trails
Trail connection across Bluff/I-15 intersection


County Cycling Map and Signage: Continued resistance to Kolob road, John needs help with concrete bases

UDOT updates: 400 S underpass getting underway, goal to be complete prior to school start in fall 2019. Wider sidewalks through Skywest.

Springdale Bike Hub. Need recommendations on stone masons to lay stone for surface.

Regional trail update:
Bike Utah 1000 mile initiative, might have funding available for trail initiatives, contact Chris Wiltze

Kevin tourism update: Review of Bike Bible coverage of southern Utah
Discussion of promoting southern Utah as a car free destination (trail connection to attractions)
Missing link on Riverside Road: Project out for bid

Bike Month:
Bike collective bike prom, Saturday April 27 at 4pm: Bike ride, ending with party, DJ, dance

Additional activities for Bike Month:
Washington will be doing something for the first time
SUBA to send email to cities inviting them to plan bike month activities
Idea: Health Department awards to property owners/businesses that are bike friendly

Craig Andrews:

Counseling for boards. Invite to a Board meeting and have him give us advice on how to become more effective. Dannielle will invite him to next meeting.

Next Meeting:
Second Thursday is over Spring Break. Should we reschedule. Reschedule to March 21
st 9am.

Future Initiatives:

Ryan suggests SUBA pushes for solution for Dixie Drive missing link. Push city for short term missing link solution. Ryan and Dannielle to meet with city (Millie, Marc). Scott to help.
Washington trail dead end: Will to talk to Mike Shaw (Washington City) about possible solution.
SUBA to cosponsor award to Rick Torgerson for Bluff Street Project at UDOT conference. Friday, March 22 at Santa Clara City Hall.

SUBA Board Meeting
March 21, 2019 – 9:00am
Cache Valley Bank Conference Room

Board Members in attendance: Dannielle Larkin, Arthur LeBaron, Marc Mortensen, John Reed, Ryan Gurr, Nathan Merrill, Holly O’Keefe, Tom Dansie

Others in attendance: Kye Nordfelt, Scott Messel

Meeting Minutes

Dannielle called the meeting to order.
John motion to approve minutes of Feb meeting, Marc second. Motion passed.

Financial Report: Dannielle gave a summary of the financial statement. Arthur motion to accept financial report, Ryan second. Motion passed.

Website Bios: Holly reminded board members to send her bios if not already done.

Ironman Grant: Craig is working on grant while on vacation.

Discussion on use of $500 grant money: Bicycle collective is looking for volunteers to staff youth open shop, Mondays 4 to 7pm. Dannielle suggested $500 could be given to bicycle collective to supplement youth open shop. Arthur motion to use $500 to donate aprons to bicycle collective with SUBA logo for youth open shop. Motion passed.

Utah Outdoor Recreation Grants: SUBA issued letters of support to two projects in St. George (Virgin River missing gap and Snake Hollow)

Report on Healthy Dixie: Ryan reported on key takeaways:

1) Active transportation training is planned at DTEC on a quarterly basis. Arthur working on “walkability” training sessions for elected officials. Kye reported that Phil Sarnoff is available to come and give training on economic benefits of active transportation. Healthy Dixie will be taking the lead on this training. Kye will coordinate with SUBA on training needs.

2) School principals meet monthly, part of those meetings are safe routes to schools (SR2S) plans. SUBA could be more involved in SR2S plans for elementary schools. UDOT could be more involved. Marc to work with Karen Best on SUBA participation in monthly meetings.

3) Specialized Foundation program, using bikes in schools to treat ADD in school. School District is implementing program in three schools. Vista elementary has program running through grant. District is hiring employee to manage project in elementary schools. Cost is approximately $15,000 per school. Should SUBA be involved in fundraising for program? SUBA to help identify

individuals or businesses that could sponsor a school, develop a presentation to solicit donations. Also need to cover training expense of training school district employee. Dannielle and Ryan to pursue sponsors.

UDOT Update: Nathan reported on the following UDOT projects:

Aug projected completion of 400 South underpass.

Surfacing Southern parkway from airport to I-15. Microseal, but maybe not on shoulders.

Transportation Commission is meeting in St. George this Friday. Kye and Dannielle will make presentation to Rick Torgerson and Chris Hall for work on Bluff Street project.

Bike Utah Summit Update: Good representation from St. George. Also good representation from Cedar City. Good momentum helping city officials understand importance of active transportation/bike infrastructure. Possible idea based on Provo city active transportation committee: have SUBA meet on bikes to go look at bike issues in the community. Target Hurricane and Washington City to go to next Bike Utah summit.

Ironman Pep Rally: Tuesday at 6:15pm at Town Square in support of 70.3 World Championships in September 2021.

Bike Month Activities:

Bike to work day (Friday, May 17): seven different pit stops open from 7 to 10am. Tuning stations, safety stuff (helmets, lights, mirrors, etc.), breakfast. Smiths, Summit, Washington Rec Center. Trying to get Maverik on board (Dannielle to contact corporate). Looking for Captains / Crew Chief for pit stop. Dannielle, Ryan, Scott, Nathan, Holly willing.

Bike Prom

Media blitz (radio, social media, website and branding)

Active Transportation Tours for elected officials: lunch, then on-road tour of areas highlighted in active transportation tour. Kye asked for involvement from SUBA/Cities during tours. Hurricane scheduled on May 16, 11:30, meet at community center.

Kye looking for bike commuters to interview. Arthur, Dannielle’s neighbor Mike Welch, Will Gause, Judith at Bike Collective, Gordon Smith (Scott has contact)

Scott to lead active transportation tour in La Verkin

Bike to School Day May 9, need bike buddies (Ryan has shirts)

John Update on Signs: Signs have been delivered to most agencies. Santa Clara needs some help. Ivins signs are all up. Washington is putting bike route signs up, but taking share the road signs down. John needs help getting routes GPS’ed. Ryan to do routes on Map My Ride. John discussion on financials and grant funding. May need to access SUBA funds. This would need to come back to the Board as an action item. Project needs to be complete by November. John will be gone June to September.

John update on Ironman Volunteer grant: Need ideas for use of funds. Maybe use funds to send School District employee to Specialized Foundation training.

Utah Outdoor Recreation Summit: October 22-24. SUBA to lead ride on Veyo Loop. Also maybe a good time to have a ribbon cutting on the trailheads.

There is no bike direction signage on the bluff street tunnel. Meeting adjourned at 10:43.

Action Items from this Meeting:

Send Holly bios for the website, if not already done.

Craig to finish Ironman grant application (while on vacation).

Coordinate use of $500 grant to purchase aprons for the youth program and the Bicycle Collective.

Kye will coordinate with SUBA on active transportation training ideas for presentation at DTEC.

Marc will coordinate possible SUBA participation at monthly principal’s meetings with Karen Best.

Dannielle and Ryan will work on putting together fundraising materials to seek sponsors for getting the Specialized Foundation program into two (or more) elementary schools (Healthy Dixie to fund a third school).

Kye and Dannielle will present an award to Rick Torgerson / UDOT Region 4 for the Bluff Street project.

Spread the work about the Ironman rally, Tuesday March 26, 6:15pm at Town Square.

Bike month activities:
Bike pit stop crew chiefs: Ryan, Holly, Dannielle, Scott, Nathan
Active Transportation Tours: Board members to participate as able

SUBA Board Meeting
April 11, 2019 – 9:00am
Cache Valley Bank Conference Room

Members: Marc Mortensen (conducting), Tim Tabor, John Reed, Nathan Merrill, Kevin Lewis, Tom Dansie, Ryan Gurr

Others in Attendance: Scott Messel, Kye Nordfelt

Financial Report: To be approved next month. 
Minutes: To be approved next month.
Review of Action Items from last month:

Bios all in except from Will
Marc will follow up with Craig on Ironman grant
Marc to follow up with Ryan on aprons for bicycle collective youth program
Kye working on training for DTEC: Kye trying to work with Vitruvian consultants on walkability training (wants to focus on hour long traning).
Funding approved through DTAC for Vitruvian consultants to do walkability planning.
Marc will coordinate with Karen Best on Principals SR2s meeting. Dannielle, Ryan, Marc to attend in May

Sponsors for bike foundation: Ryan and Scott met with elementary school representatives. PE not a big emphasis in schools. Bike foundation program may not be a good fit for elementary, but maybe at 6th grade level in intermediate schools where there is a dedicated PE program (only five or six intermediate schools in the county). Ryan to follow up with Craig Seegmiller (DISCUSSION ITEM FOR NEXT MONTH)

Award presented to UDOT. Big success, Rick Torgerson appreciated the award.

Ironman rally was a success

Bike month activities:
St.George has more bike activities planned then ever before, thanks to Kye,
See list distributed by Kye.
Use social media hastag #bikedixie
Collaboration between cities, Heatlhy Dixie, SUBA, others a great success.
May 9 dedicated bike lane simulation in St.George, 5:30pm. Bring elected officials, public. Free food. Meet at Town Square.
May 8 is bike to school day at Washington Elementary. Bike buddies needed, 7:30 to 9am. Kye coordinating.

Volunteer help needed at bike pit stops, sharing bike month activities on social media, help with St. George active transportation tour.

Bike month shirts available through healthy dixie 

GPS data of bike routes to John

Grant Opportunities Review:
Forest service trails master planning effort, reconstruct canal trail in Pine Valley. Betsy Byrne with NPS RTCA could provide assistance. As well as Utah Outdoor Recreation Grant.

UDOT update:
400 S underpass still on schedule.
Leeds Main Street resurfacing starting on April 22. Will run a couple of weeks.

Missing link project:

Going through environmental review.
$1million in funding gathered so far. Looking for another $1million.
“Next” Missing Link: On Sunset from Olive Grove to Mathis Park. City is working on environmental for phase one of this project. County Commission could be supportive of this project.

Utah Outdoor Recreation Summit coming to St. George in October. John was hoping to include a ride/ribbon cutting for the trail signage project at the same time. But timing doesn’t work well. Looking for another date for the ribbon cutting project. Ride is still on.

Springdale bike shelter project.

John update on signage project: John is working with Ron Whitehead at the County to get county signs up. Still having trouble getting Jack Taylor at Santa Clara City to coordinate sign installation in Santa Clara. Working with County GIS on mapping project. Working on elevation data. Tom to send Kolob Terrace Road strava data to John. Trail head discussion: Sand Hollow reservoir doesn’t make sense. That frees up one sign to use somewhere else. Where should it be? Washington? Southern county? Hurricane Community Center? Working on route from Virgin to Temple of Sinewava. Need to coordinate with Park Service on signage, routing through visitors center.

Ironman Bike Techs: Need more volunteers. Only two have signed up so far.

Discussion on need to promote bike friendly businesses. This could be a good partnership between community development, economic development, and tourism. Scott and John to follow up on opportunities.

Discussion on Southern Parkway. Dana Meier is consultant doing Phase 5 plans. Reach out to Dana / UDOT to see copy of plans. Ryan to coordinate with Dana. All check to see if they have Dana’s email.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:08am.

SUBA Board Meeting

June 13, 2019 – 9AM Bicycle Collective Classroom

Members in attendance: Dannielle Larkin, Arthur Lebaron, Ryan Gurr, John Reed, Will Gause, Marc Mortenson

Guests: Jay Sandberg (SG City engineer), Monty Thurber (SG City Streets), Millie Cockerill (SG City trails), Tracey Munson (UDOT), Kye Nordfelt (SWUPH)

Call to order at 9am.
Minutes from May: Arthur motion to approve, John second. Passed unanimously.

Financial report emailed by Denise. Reminder: $500 Ironman Grant requires project display the Ironman logo.


Active transportation tour for Mayor’s and elected officials was well attended.

Ironman Grant funds to be used for Eagle Scout project to create bike repair station at school in Hurricane along Ironman route: no update.

IHC Community Health grant- Bicycle Collective does not need aprons and would like to spend the full amount on SUBA labeled water bottles for kids who are participating in and graduating from the Youth Open Shop bike mechanic training program- this request was approved.


Jay Sandberg shared update of St. George streets plan:

2450 S. from 3000 E. to Crimson Cliffs High: complete with 6 foot wide shoulders
3000 E Widening: in progress/ will be completed in sections along with development/ will have wide shoulders and trail
River Road widening project: Riverside Drive to 1450 South/ will widen shoulder
Commerce Drive: connecting 3000 E in Little Valley to south River Road
Pedestrian light to be installed by Heritage Elementary School to access trails/ good connector for cyclists to connect to downtown routes
100 S: Bluff to Main/ sharrows

Tracey Munson mentioned that UDOT has adopted the 2018 ASHTO standards

Millie Cockerill shared update of St. George trails plan (this is pre-budget vote but Marc believes budget will be approved, she’d like to come back with finalized plan in August or September):

  • Olive Grove Subdivision/Cottonwood Cove to Blake Park (1st section)- then Blake Park to Mathis Park (2nd section)

  • Bloomington to SunRiver- upgraded/paved

  • River Road/1450 S Maverik to Springs Park- final section to park to be completed

  • SunRiver Atkinville Wash to Desert Color-trail under I-15

  • Seegmiller Canal trail to SG east city limit

  • Snake Hollow Bike Track- sections 2 and 3- includes strider track

  • Banded Hills trail and park- park in lower bouldering area

  • Virgin River North Trail Gap (aka missing link)-est. complete by 2021-working on land acquisition and environmental studies-funding is in place

  • Bloomington Country Club-trail improvement near driving range

  • Halfway Wash- (Ryan requested trails dept. build a retaining wall in area where dirt retainer has permanently washed out-Millie said she will report the problem) Snow Canyon Parkway to the Reserve-parking will be at Royal Oaks Park

  • John requested one trailhead sign be placed at the Canyon Ballpark/Millie said she thinks that’s feasible but will run by Shane McAfee
    No update.
    No update.


Discussed possibility of signs reminding cyclists to ride respectfully/ Gunlock area/ and need for enhanced road riding education of cyclist/Arthur plans to talk to Brad Last about possible legislation for road cyclist education and registration

Letters of thanks being sent to city/county employees who have helped with signage installation.

This month sent to Mike Vermicek-Hurricane City/Chuck Gillette-Ivins City/ Jack Taylor-Santa Clara City


  • For next year, ideally, a committee involving one parks/rec or active transportation board member from each city/ planning coordinated bike month events

  • Discussed the possibility of celebrating BIKE MONTH for Washington County in the Fall instead of the Spring for better participation/attendance at events

    Meeting adjourned at 10:50am. 
    Next Meeting: AUGUST 8, 9:00AM


SUBA 8/15/19
Board Members in Attendance:
Craig Shanklin, Holly O’Keefe, Dannielle Larkin, Arthur LeBaron, Kevin Lewis, Tom Dansie Others: Leslie Fonger, Kye Nordfelt, Scott Messel

Introduction of Leslie Fonger, Destination Management with Washington County. No minutes
Financial report submitted from Denise

0.25% Sales Tax: Rick Torgerson encouraged SUBA to create plan on how to use a portion of the tax for active transportation goals. Potential to use “missing links” in trail system as a means to introduce active transportation projects. Need to engage elected officials connected with the reality of active transportation. Link to the St George to Springdale transit system. First mile, last mile connections. COG is the governing body for transit and 0.25% tax. Suggestion to make presentation to the COG to discuss active transportation with 0.25% funding. Engage UDOT, project manager Kayde Roberts. Maybe brief selected Mayors in advance: Smith, Pike, Rosenberg, Bramall. Work with Kayde Roberts to ask AECom to make pitch for using a portion of 0.25% tax for first mile, last mile connections. Dannielle to talk to Kayde about having AECom make presentation to COG in September.

Ironman Grant / Eagle Scout project:

  • -  Isaac LeBaron working with Sand Hollow to create bike repair station at Sand Hollow. Consensus to use $500 Ironman Grant to fund the bike repair stand at Sand Hollow.

  • -  Steve Thomas, with Electric Bike WorX, offered to fund bike repair stations throughout the Couty.

  • -  Need to finalize location of trailhead signage at Kolob Terrace road. Need to meet with Zach Renstrom (Water Conservancy District) to finalize location. Maybe use Eagle Scout project for construction. Arthur to have Eagle scout contact Leslie. Scott and Leslie to meet with Zach Renstrom to finalize location at the intersection of SR9 and Kolob Road.

    Active Transportation Tours for new City Councils: Kye to organize introductory tour of active transportation for new city county members in February 2019. Washington City may benefit from active transportation education. Kye to work with Healthy Dixie on coordinating Active Transportation Tour in Washington City.

Kye reported on the upcoming Move Utah summit, September 26 in Salt Lake. This could be a good opportunity for elected official training on active transportation. Kye has funding available to sponsor elected officials attending. Encourage Jimmy Hughes from St. George, Kim Manwil from UDOT to attend.

Kye reported on Complete Streets Act of 2019. If passed would require 5% of federal transportation funding to be used on complete streets. It might be a good idea to meet with Congressman Stewart to encourage his support.

SUBA Hosted Film Festival: Craig reported on previous history of bike film festivals held at the Electric Theater. Craig has been contacted by “Filmed by Bike” to see if we want to host another film festival. Dannielle made a suggestion to partner with St George Active Transportation on hosting a film festival. Kye and Craig to discuss film festival partnership with St George. Dannielle suggested using this as an opportunity to highlight the 400 S underpass. Could also be an opportunity to advocate for improvements to either side of the 400 S underpass.

Recognition and Thank You Letters: Dannielle has sent thank you letters to Hurricane, Ivins, Santa Clara. Let Dannielle know if other letters are needed.


  • -  UDOT study of SR9 from I-15 to 2800 W (Southern Parkway). Arthur reported that he has been advocating for active transportation along this route. Kevin suggested looking at underpasses, particularly from fairgrounds to Quail Creek.

  • -  Update on Springdale bike shelters.

  • -  Update on ZRC Regional Trail feasibility study.

  • -  Reminder about 400 S Ribbon cutting, Aug 27 at noon.

Next meeting Thursday, September 5, 9:00am.

SUBA 9/5/19
Greater Zion Conference Room

Members in attendance: Dannielle Larkin, Craig Shanklin, Nathan Merrill, Tom Dansie, Ryan Gurr, Denise Purdue

Leslie Fonger, Tracy Munson, Scott Messel, Kye Nordfelt

Approval of minutes: Ryan motion to approve, Tom second. Approved.
Financial report: Scott motion to approve financial report, Ryan second. Approved.

Kye Nordfelt update: Active transportation tour, last week of October (21-25). Working with St George City to demonstrate a road diet on Main Street with a protected bike lane. Event planned in conjunction with Utah Outdoor Recreation Summit. Kye is looking for artists to help chalk the road. The intersection of Bluff and Main will be problematic. Tracy will talk to Robert Dowell about UDOT coordination for the intersection.

Looking for active transportation champion in Washington City.

Review Trailhead Sign text and content:
Move logos to bottom
Move title to the top and make it bigger, change title to Washington County Road Bike Routes
Make title “Greater Zion”? Instead of Washington county.
Remove “advertising” text for Washington County.
Make map bigger.
Combine route descriptions and route legend.
Use patterns for routes, instead of just colors.
Move QR code to the bottom and streamline website text.
Dannielle request for Board members to do a thorough review of text and get back.
County graphic designer will do redesign. St. George, Springdale, Greater Zion will provide design oversight.

Discussion on use of word “route.” Use “suggested routes” instead of “recommended routes.” Board members to make edits and forward them to Dannielle by end of day Friday September 6.

Suggestion to contact Outdoor Recreation Office to ask for extension to UOR Grant to allow modification and edits to the sign prior to production.

Discussion about future SUBA projects. Future projects should be done by committee, not a single Board member or volunteer.

Transit / COG / Transit Tax Update:
Kayde Roberts of UDOT will facilitate first mile / last mile presentation to COG with AE Com. SUBA representation at the COG meeting will help show support for active transportation funding. COG meets third Wednesday of the month, 1 to 3pm at the County Building.

Meeting planned for September 18 to talk with cities about SR7 and a potential trail along SR7. Coordination for trail and access. Dannielle to follow up with Arthur to set up meeting.

Kolob trailhead update: Scott and Leslie identified location for trailhead at SR9.

Zion Regional Trail Feasibility Study: Field tour for the trail on Tuesday, September 9 at 8:45am. SUBA members are welcome to attend.

Move Utah Summit Update: SUBA members will be in attendance, but not much success getting community leaders to attend.

Discussion on homelessness and homeless children in Washington County and if there is a role for SUBA to play in addressing homelessness.
Equity in riding bikes, need to find way to provide more opportunities, partnerships with other non-profits, make bike more utilitarian (lights, racks, trailers, etc.), public awareness about cost savings of bike transportation

Tracy update on Bluff and Main: Heidi Goedhart (UDOT Active Transportation) will help coordinate active transportation improvements to the intersection.

SUBA Board Meeting
October 10, 2019
Members in attendance: Dannielle, Kevin, Tom, Craig, Denise, Ryan, Arthur, Holly Kye, Scott, Leslie
1- Call to order at 9:05
2- Minutes approved Leslie, Ryan second
3- Financial report:

$500 to Bicycle Collective

$200 donation from Ironman

4- Veyo Loop Ride: Tuesday, October 22 at 1pm. Come and join to network with Outdoor Rec Summit attendees.

5- Bike Lane on Main: Demonstrating two-way cycle track. Need support in two ways:

  1. 1-  Come help set up, Monday October 21 at 7pm (meet at Dairy Queen)

  2. 2-  Ride the cycle track, post on social media, send feedback to community leaders.

Project is funded by Spin, will be south of 700 South. Taking road from five lane road to reduce lanes with protected two-way cycle track. Need to make sure there is heavy use of demonstration project and positive feedback.

Kevin – This will help in preparation for Ironman World Championships in making active transportation connections between Town Square and Dixie Center / Red Rock Commons.

6- Sharrows: Current placement and use of sharrows on 700 South is problematic. Poor implementation, no signage. This sets the project up to fail. Appears to be intentional to make the project go away (due to resistance from St. George Transportation Department). How can SUBA help encourage better implementation of sharrows, and other bike improvements (e.g. bike lanes). Ideas:

  • -  Engage elected officials, push Active Transportation Plan. Convert Plan recommendations into policy.

  • -  Meet with City Manager Adam, make sure he holds City staff accountable

  • -  Ensure AASHTO / MUTCD standards are being met (Arthur to send informal email to

    Cameron Cutler)

  • -  Engage hospital, University, High School: all of whom have interest in promoting more

    walking and cycling on 700 South

  • -  Need to get the residents / public at large to be invested in better active transportation

    Discussion of need to influence both policy and culture. Both are needed to impact lasting change.

    Action items:

1. Arthur to email Cameron about Sharrows

  1. Dannielle and others to meet with City Manager Adam about active transportation in general and sharrows particular

  2. Promote temporary cycle track on Main Street (Kye to send flyer to SUBA Board for distribution)

  3. Unite SUBA, Healthy Dixie, and St George Active Transportation to develop plan for implementing St. George Active Transportation Plan

  4. Start planning for active transportation connections between Town Square and Dixie Center in preparation for Ironman World Championships

7- COG Update: Arthur report from COG and transit planning efforts. Still might be premature for first mile / last mile presentation from Kayde Roberts. Arthur is continuing to coordinate with Kayde.

8- Grant / Trailhead updates:

  • -  Eagle Scout project at Sand Hollow is underway. Ironman grant money being used. Another Eagle Scout project is planning on putting one at Quail Lake.

  • -  Kolob Terrace update: Scott is coordinating with Zach Renstrom, Eagle scouts on planning for trail head.

  • -  Tom to follow up with Steve Thomas at Electric Bike Worx for offer to sponsor bike fix stations.

  • -  Greater Zion funding may be available to help fund future bike fix stations. SUBA (Arthur) to make application to Tourism Advisory Board.

  • -  Specialized “Outride” program can be funding source for projects less than $15,000. Requires matching funds. Potential to make application for fix stations through SUBA.

    10- Updates:

  • -  Southern Parkway re-surfacing (mile 2 to 5) with microsurface

  • -  Extension of Southern Parkway to SR9, estimated February start date. Potential for 18

    month project.

  • -  Plan for fixing “Share the Road” signs on Kolob road. Also on Chuckwalla. Scott to talk to

    County Commissioners.

  • -  Ribbon cutting for Springdale bike shelter / County trailhead projects.

    11- Other news:

- Arthur is volunteering at Red Bull Rampage bike valet, might have room for others

SUBA Board of Directors Annual Meeting

November 14, 2019

Meeting Minutes

Board Members in Attendance: Danielle Larkin, Craig Shanklin, Tom Dansie, Holly O’Keefe, John Reed, Ryan Gurr, Denise Purdue, Nathan Merrill, Arthur LeBaron

Others in attendance: Stewart Shanklin, Kye Nordfelt, Scott Messel, Leslie Fonger, Will Johnson, Tracy Munson, Emily Friedman


  1. Call to order at 9:05am

  2. Minutes of October meeting: Craig motion to approve, Denise second. Passed unanimously.

  3. Financial report: Denise review of financial position. Standard distributions and donations. Still waiting on invoices for reimbursement from John for the sign project.

  4. Cycling without age presentation: Scott Richardson. Non-profit organization that gives rides to elderly and less abled citizens on bike rides in specially designed cycles. Opportunity to join generations in service and establish person to person connections. St. George is the perfect place for this project: elderly population, active cycling community, citizens that want to help and do good, good cycling infrastructure. Key themes: Slowness, storytelling, relationships, without age.

    Next steps for St. George Cycling without age: setting up pilot program, 100% volunteer run. Trishaw bikes cost $12 to $13K, one on order. Specialized bikes designed specifically for this program.

    Other nearby chapters: Utah county; Jackson, WY; Prescott, AZ
    Scott is here to network, spread awareness of the program.
    Discussion on the appropriate administrative home for the organization. VA? Council on Aging?

  5. and 6. ANNUAL MEETING:
    a. Review of Mission Statement and Bylaws.
    b. Review of Board Officers and election of officers. c. Review of Board of Directors.

Board members agreed the bylaws and mission statement accurately reflect the direction SUBA should be headed. No changes necessary.

Dannielle / Ryan strongly feel President should be an advocate, not a government/bike shop rep. Goal is to have a 50/50 split between advocates and government/bike shops in Board representation.


Ryan motion to appoint Craig as interim President, with goal to find a permanent President by January. Denise, second. Passed unanimously.

Meeting date change: Second Monday at 1pm. New meeting location at Washington County Community Development Conference Room.

Denise motion to renew two-year terms form Arthur, Craig, Tom, Marc. Second John. Passed unanimously.

Motion to renew Marc as Vice president, Tom as secretary. Arthur second. Passed unanimously.

Arthur motion to renew Denise as Treasurer, second Holly. Passed unanimously.

  1. UDOT update:

    1. Southern Parkway microsurface postponed until Spring. HA 5 on shoulders is complete. HA5 was not an effective treatment on the chip seal portion of the road.

    2. Trail Summit: Master planning for trails on Southern Parkway held in October. UDOT will be hiring consultant to look at trails. Also need to look at trails on SR-9.

    3. Need to highlight creative ways UDOT is increasing funding and resources dedicated to bikes and pedestrians. Social media, local news outlets, events at ribbon cuttings. Highlight small victories like special surfacing on Southern Parkway. Regular column on cycling in St George news? Look at funding for article writer? Maybe partner with Heath Department? Have Health Department staff write cycling related articles for local media.

  2. Fundraising: Discussion postponed till December meeting.

  3. Open discussion:

    1. John: need to verify Washington county routes have signage installed. John will send spreadsheet to Denise, SUBA members will volunteer to take responsibility for each route. Denise will manage sign-ups. John will send info on what signs should be installed on the various routes.

    2. John: Motorists give three feet signs. Municipalities, except Ivins, need to put signs up.

Meeting adjourn at 10:31am.

SUBA Board Meeting - December 9, 2019

Meeting Minutes

Board Members in Attendance: Craig Shanklin, Arthur LeBaron, Holly O’Keefe, Tom Dansie, Dannielle Larkin, John Reed, Ryan Gurr, Marc Mortensen, Kevin Lewis

Others: Kye Nordfelt, Scott Richardson, Jeff Sanders, Leslie Fonger, Emily Friedman, Dave Veyioux(?), Scott Messel

Craig called the meeting to order at 1:04pm.

1- Welcome and introductions: Members, guests, and visitors introduced themselves (see attendance list above).

2- Approval of November minutes: Arthur motion to approve the November minutes, Ryan second. Passed unanimously.

3- Financial report: Bike repair stand purchased and installed at Sand Hollow State Park. Reports from the Park are that the stand is being heavily used. State Park will take over maintenance. About $14,000 in the bank. Danielle made a note about the $500 grant from Intermountain. Dannielle will follow up about why it has not yet been invoiced.

4- Annual meeting follow up

  1. UDOT representation: Nathan Merrill will likely resign from the Board (but remain involved). Another UDOT representative will replace Nathan (maybe Tracey Munson or Jeff Sanders) as a non-voting member. Craig suggested this discussion be continued in the next meeting to allow Rick Torgerson, Nathan Merrill and Tracey Munson to provide input.

  2. Appointment of President: Dannielle has resigned as President (due to her new position on St George City Council). Craig has been serving as interim president. Craig proposed that Kye Nordfelt be appointed president. Ryan clarified that this appointment would be to fill the remainder of Dannielle’s term (until November 2020). Discussion on length of term for President--one year vs. two-year term. Dannielle made a motion to appoint Kye as SUBA Board Member, Marc second. Passed unanimously. Kevin Motion to appoint Kye as President, John second. Passed unanimously. Kye will assume official board duties in January.

  3. Board restructuring committee: Craig suggested that a committee be formed to restructure the Board. The Committee could discuss creating an Advisory Board Member position (need for non-voting membership position), an Executive Committee, board composition and current board openings (advocates vs. officials vs. industry), and the term of president. A taskforce could analyze these issues and prepare recommendations. John volunteered to Chair the committee. Kye, Marc, Dannielle all volunteered to serve on the committee. The committee was tasked with bringing a proposal for board restricting back in 60 days.

5- Cycling without age: Scott Richardson has organized local Dixie chapter of Cycling Without Age (CWA). The Board discussed a proposal to bring CWA under SUBA organization as an incubator. This will assist CWA to get off the ground. Craig made a suggestion to make CWA a SUBA project. Arthur clarified that CWA will have separate account in SUBA financials. The primary benefit of this arrangement would be for CWA to begin fundraising through SUBA. Ryan had questions about liability insurance. SUBA’s current insurance is only Director’s insurance and would not cover liability for providing rides through CWA. Craig clarified that CWA would need to purchased liability insurance before actual rides start. The Board discussed the possibility to transfer organization to St George before rides start. Dannielle commented that SUBA and CWA will need to coordinate on grants to avoid competition. Discussion on increased responsibility for SUBA long term when

Tom made a motion to approve SUBA being incubator for CWA for the purposes of fundraising and organization, but the arrangement must be reevaluated or terminated prior to CWA beginning to provide rides, Marc second. Passed unanimously.

Dannielle made a motion to approve Scott Richardson as Board member, Craig second. Passed unanimously.

7- SUBA Website update: Holly reported that Vincent (Broadpop) makes periodic informal backend updates to the website. But this may need to be more formalized. Holly will work with Vincent on update, and provide content updates. Holly presented a proposal to pay Broadpop $50 per month for formal website maintenance. The Board was supportive of this proposal. Holly made a motion to pay Vincent (Broadpop) $50 per month for website maintenance., John second. Passed unanimously. Holly will continue to be the liaison for website updates, so Board members should continue to send website issues to Holly. Send Holly a screenshot of things that need to be updated.

6- SUBA Email: SUBA has a gmail account that Craig monitors. Craig wondered if someone else be monitoring in addition? The Board thanked Craig for his continuing monitoring of the gmail and thought it was fine for him to continue to take primary responsibility for this function. On a related note: who is monitoring the SUBA mailbox? Denise’s daughter was checking the mail, but no one knows for sure. Craig will follow up with Denise to find the key to the mailbox. Holly offered to check the mailbox.

8- Media coverage/writer: The Board discussed the need to get word out to the community about SUBA’s successes, and also to promote new infrastructure and amenities. Should the Board hire a writer? Craig and Dannielle have been contacted by Della Lowe, who has offered to write press releases ($75 per press release). The Board also discussed placing SUBA articles with Cycling Utah. Arthur recommended that SUBA have a media coordinator on the Board. Discussion about how to spread SUBA news and mission with social media, printed media. Kevin suggested that Greater Zion could provide funding for a content writer. Applications for this funding are due February 1. Discussion on one content writer versus many content writers. Suggestion to develop a communication committee to develop recommendations on communications. End of year communication priorities: bike routes, trailhead development (Sand Hollow, Springdale), etc. The current ad hoc executive committee (Craig, Ryan, Dannielle) agreed to meet to discuss content creation, and to present media content proposals at January meeting.

9- Fundraising: Year-end push for fundraising on Facebook. Include SUBA year-in-review: underpass, bike routes, CWA, Main Street demonstration project. Ryan has SUBA merchandise in his store that can be sold.

10- Dixie Transportation Expo Update: Due to new policies, SUBA will need to be sponsored by governmental entity to be represented at the Expo. Marc said he can work with St George City to be sponsored at the Expo (on February 11). Arthur made a motion to ask St George to sponsor SUBA at the expo, Dannielle second. Passed unanimously. Marc offered to research what next steps are needed for St. George to formally sponsor SUBA at the expo.

12- Missing Link update: The bid opening for this project was last week, bids were under estimate. Construction to begin in January. Virgin River trail at confluence park has been reopened.

13- Bicycle Friendly State Report Card: Utah ranked 8th. Scored low in percentage of federal funding on active transportation. Discussion on UDOT’s participation in active transportation. Utah scores well in planning, but low in infrastructure. Need to get from planning to implementation.

14- Updates:

  • -  Bike collective: Dannielle reported that collective has found new space (near IFA). It is not the best space, but will be a temporary location. Also interviewing candidates for new director.

  • -  Ironman World Championship: Kevin is putting together organizing committee. Looking for

    volunteers to serve on the committee. 2020 full Ironman registration is 85% full. Meeting adjourned at 2:47pm.


Thank you for supporting SUBA!