SUBA Ask the Candidate

Southern Utah Bicycle Alliance (SUBA) reached out to all the City Council Candidates for St George, Washington City, Ivins and Hurricane to ascertain their standings on a number of issues of importance to the Cycling Community.

Check out the responses of the Candidates who chose to respond below:

Ivins Council

Category: Ivins Council

1.     What is your vision to help people ride and walk safely in our community? What actual steps might you take to achieve your vision

Response: First, obtain information from the police department data on accidents involving pedestrians and bicyclists. Armed with the information determine where and when traffic enforcement is needed and for what violations.
Cities provide pedestrian walking paths but permit motorized bicycle to travel at seeds which can be dangerous.  Need to evaluate the speeds for changes in us
The best practice is when cities have bicycle paths separate from pedestrians and the vehicle roadway. Have dedicated bicycle areas as they have walking paths. Also have required stops for vehicles who enter highways which cross bicycle and pedestrian paths. As well as stop signs posted for those paths.

2.     Forty years ago, more than 60% of school children in the US walked or rode a bicycle to school. Today, that figure is less than 10%. This decline in bicycling and walking and physical activity in general has been mirrored by dramatic increases in negative health impacts for kids. What would you do to reverse this trend? What role do you think the city should play in making it safer for children to walk and bike to school?

 Response: Unfortunately, our social attitude toward the bicycle has changed.  Some of the issue is it is “NOT COOL” to ride a bike to school. Parents/family’s  believe it is no longer safe to ride because of threats (perceived or actual). Ivins police department has such a small police department it cannot adequately provide sufficient presents to dismiss those thoughts.

 If Ivins implemented the above items and promoted safe bicycle storage racks to prevent theft it would help. Also have a ride for health day one or two days a week it may help including city workers.  

3. Do you agree that Complete Streets (a design philosophy that provides safe accommodations for all Users…vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists) is the approach local municipalities needs to take when designing and reconstructing roads?

Response: In cities I have lived in have promoted safety for all.   I personally as a Police officer promoted all the forementioned actions as well as traffic enforcement and documenting engineering modifications to correct issues  I noted.

4. Tell us about your personal experiences riding a bike, running or walking for recreation, exercise or transportation.

Response: I personally have ridden bicycles for more years than I want to remember.  My first bicycle was a Schwin continental.  I had along with my friends had ridden on road trips. I have continued riding all my life.  I recently sold my Trek Madone which I had ridden for the past few years.

I am looking for a new bike to continue riding for a different reason exercise.

5. Is there anything else that you would like to share about Active Transportation in Washington County?

Response: I wish the bus service in the county would be expanded to better service residential communities as well as more frequently.  Also have bicycle racks.

Category: Ivins Council

1. What is your vision to help people ride and walk safely in our community? What actual steps might you take to achieve your vision?

I believe the more shared use paths, sidewalks and bikes lanes we can include in our community the better.  I believe Ivins is doing a good job and I support working with developers and the city to continually improve convenient access to multimodal routes while minimizing exposure to motor vehicle traffic.

2. Forty years ago, more than 60% of school children in the US walked or rode a bicycle to school. Today, that figure is less than 10%. This decline in bicycling and walking and physical activity in general has been mirrored by dramatic increases in negative health impacts for kids. What would you do to reverse this trend? What role do you think the city should play in making it safer for children to walk and bike to school?

A lot of this education begins at home.  At the same time I encourage organizations such as Southern Utah Bicycle Alliance to work with our public safety department and the local schools to make presentations and get the children excited about walking and biking to school.  Rampage Bikes has been tremendously successful in Ivins and I think they would be great supporters of getting the word out about the health benefits of walking and riding. 

For the past 3 years I have been actively involved in working with residents on Puerto Dr and the city to improve Puerto’s safety.  Due to the city’s growth Puerto has become a dangerous route for pedestrians and bikers in particular for kids going to and from school.  I completed a traffic study on Puerto and encouraged residents to send emails to the city explaining their concerns.  In response the city has taken action most recently the city painted the bike lanes on Puerto.  Now the city believes they have the funding to add sidewalks and other traffic calming/reducing solutions.  

3. Do you agree that Complete Streets (a design philosophy that provides safe accommodations for all Users…vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists) is the approach local municipalities needs to take when designing and reconstructing roads.

I like what I have read about the Complete Street design philosophy.  I think Ivins works well with developers in developing new safe roads and also does well  pursuing grants and other available funding for reconstructing and improving safe accommodations for all Users.

I also think the mayor and city council  would support hearing from the Southern Utah Bicycle Alliance a couple of times a year  in regards to where the city’s road system is in the greatest need of design and reconstruction and what suggestions/ideas/support Southern Utah Bicycle Alliance could offer.  Also in that presentation it would be great to hear what’s working well for walkers and bikers in Ivins.

4. Tell us about your personal experiences riding a bike, running or walking for recreation, exercise or transportation.

I am probably what you would classify as a “casual and less confident” biker rider.  I am a big walker and use my “StreetStrider” 3 times a week for exercise.

5. Is there anything else that you would like to share about Active Transportation in Washington County?

Category: Ivins Council

Southern Utah Bicycle Alliance

  1. What is your vision to help people ride and walk safely in our community? What
    actual steps might you take to achieve your vision?

    As an avid cyclist, I get very nervous when riding on the streets – especially where an
    adequate bike path is unavailable. In Ivins, we have many great bike and walking
    paths and I would like to see these enhanced and included in all new developments.
    We read a lot about “walking communities” but I am not sure we have articulated
    what that looks like, so I think we need to start there.
  2. Forty years ago, more than 60% of school children in the US walked or rode a
    bicycle to school. Today, that figure is less than 10%. This decline in bicycling and
    walking and physical activity in general has been mirrored by dramatic increases in
    negative health impacts for kids. What would you do to reverse this trend? What
    role do you think the city should play in making it safer for children to walk and bike
    to school?

We are facing this challenge in Ivins currently. We have the two schools in proximity
with the Vista school having the biggest safety concern in my opinion. Vista School
has students coming from all over the area – so many cannot walk or ride bikes due
to distance and safety. We need to address the driving drop-off and pick-up in this
situation, but our hands are tied due to land constraints. Action is being taken on
Puerto Drive to at least provide sidewalks to enhance walking safety where none exist
now. Sadly, Center Street has developed with increasing speed and traffic that needs
to be addressed.

  1. Do you agree that Complete Streets (a design philosophy that provides safe
    accommodations for all Users…vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists) is the approach
    local municipalities need to take when designing and reconstructing roads?

    This sounds like a great idea. In Ivins, roads are created by the developer as part of
    their development. I think the burden would be on the developer to create this type of
    design. This would also depend on the State and what they will allow the municipality
    to have a “say” in going forward as they are looking to take much of that control
  2. Tell us about your personal experiences riding a bike, running or walking for
    recreation, exercise or transportation.

    My husband and I love to cycle and walk both for recreation and exercise! The
    beautiful weather, trails and open spaces here make both possible year-round.
  3. Is there anything else that you would like to share about Active Transportation
    in Washington County?