Yes to Active Transportation!
July 6, 2019
Ride your bike today!
July 9, 2019ACTION REQUIRED! If you love riding our local paved trails, the City of St George needs to hear from you…now! The city has a draft Parks, Art and Recreation Plan that will guide spending over the next decade. The city council will vote to adopt this draft later this month. The good news….following all the public meetings and focus groups…is that more trails and trail connections were ranked the number 1 most requested, most important park or recreation amenity. Yeah! The city heard us loud and clear…trails are what the community wants and it is highlighted repeatedly in the 300 page plan. The bad news is that trails is only ranked 4th for future spending…not in keeping with everyone’s stated priority. Lower ranked projects like another performing arts center and more small poorly-utilized neighborhood parks get the bulk of funding over the next 10 years. If you want more trails, please send a friendly positive email to the city and elected officials asking for trail funding to be a higher priority. The draft plan can be seen here as well as the email link to Leisure Services Director, Shane McAffee. Don’t forget to copy the Mayor and Councilmen.
More info here.