Friendly advocacy works!
November 5, 2018
New SUBA Leadership: At today’s SUBA Annual Meeting, our new President and Vice President were selected. Dannielle Larkin is the organization’s new President and Marc Mortensen continues as Vice President. Continuing as Secretary is Tom Dansie and Denise Purdue continues as Treasurer. Other Board Members include past Presidents Ryan Gurr and Craig Shanklin, as well as John Reed, Arthur LeBaron, Holly O’Keefe, Nathan Merrill, Kevin Lewis and our newest board member, Will Gause. SUBA has had an amazing year in part due to the hard work of this all-volunteer board. Be on the lookout for a detailed year-end report summarizing all of SUBA’s 2018 accomplishments as well as exciting news about what’s ahead in the new year. It is an exciting time to be a cyclist in Southwestern Utah!