SUBA Board Meeting - Jan 13, 2020 Meeting Minutes

Members in Attendance: Kye Nordfelt, Tom Dansie, Holly O’Keefe, Denise Purdue, Ryan Gurr, John Reed, Dannielle Larkin

Others: Emily Friedman, Tracy Munson

Kye called the meeting Call to Order at 1:04pm.

1. Welcome and Introductions. Board members and guests introduced themselves. 2. Past Meeting Follow Up:

a. Review minutes and report on assignments:

Dannielle reported on the Intermountain grant invoice. Intermountain will reinvoice.

Tracey and Jeff will continue to attend. One will formally be appointed a non-voting member.

Tom will include UDOT members on agenda notices.

Tom will make a sign in sheet for future meetings.

Denise has the missing key to mailbox and will continue to monitor the mailbox.

Denise clarified that SUBA has D/O insurance and general liability insurance, whereas the December minutes indicate only D/O insurance.

Transportation expo: The previous policy requiring non-government entities to have a sponsor has been rescinded. SUBA can participate without need for St. George sponsorship.

John motion to approve minutes, Danielle second. Passed unanimously.

b. Financial Report, Denise: Pay pal donations for the year - about $800 came in from year-end donation request. It is difficult to tell whether donations were for CWA or for SUBA. Holly suggested we could tell whether donations were for CWA or for SUBA based on dates. Based on a review of dates it appears only one donation was potentially intended for CWA ($50). Payments – The only activity was payment for constant contact. Dannielle has been removed from bank account, Kye added. Denise suggested registering CWA as a dba under SUBA in order

to make separate bank account. Denise will research dba process with the State. Danielle motion to allow CWA to set up a dba under SUBA, and authorization to pay the set-up fee (about $39), Marc second. Passed unanimously. Denise will set up separate Pay Pal. 

Denise discussed the following pending payments: LAB membership $75, D/O insurance $575, General Liability insurance ~$280, Semi-annual website maintenance $300

Discussion on whether or not we need general liability insurance. Grocery Rides are posted under SUBA facebook page. Decision to clarify that grocery rides are not a SUBA sponsored event. The Board decided to eliminate general liability insurance, maintain D/O insurance at one million dollars. Marc motion to approve as payments as presented and discussed (eliminating general liability insurance), second John. Passed unanimously.

Ryan will talk to Craig about facebook post policy related to grocery rides.

Denise received notice for applications for funding opportunity through SelectHealth that might be useful to CWA. Ryan will follow up with Scott on funding possibility. 

5. New Business

a. Strategic Planning for 2020:

What are we trying to accomplish?

What do we do now and want to continue?

Work with UDOT, intergovernmental connections. County, municipalities, DTEC/DTAC. Reviewing projects and influencing policy. Directing funding. Millions of dollars spent on bicycle improvements. Working on connectivity in trails and bicycle infrastructure. Excellent success with relationships, most successes come from relationships (not policy). Supporting events like bike month, bike to school day, bike buddies.

What do we want to focus on in the future?

Need to work with employers to make accommodation for bike commuters (showers, bike racks, job flexibility, etc.).

Utilize relationships to influence policy.

Need to be able to review projects earlier. Be more proactive in getting projects for review. Need to be aware of every UDOT project? SUBA can decide which projects need to have feedback from SUBA. Tracy commented the UDOT might be able to share that information with an individual. Craig was volunteered in absentia to receive the  information and review the projects. 

Marc suggested we should help cities implement their active transportation plans. We need to help cities adopt ordinances that bind developers to active transportation / complete streets policy. Work through political process to put pressure on communities to pass complete streets ordinances. Work with neighborhoods/communities to identify deficient infrastructure and advocate for bicycle improvements.

Need to work with businesses and developers to create bicycle infrastructure. Maybe recognize businesses at Chamber of Commerce, SUHBA luncheons.

Need to create a key leader board to help make connections.

Need to continue to “get out” and build community support for cycling.

Engage Dixie State University to become more bike friendly. Marc will talk to Paul at  DSU about bike friendliness. John suggested using bicycle friendly university status from  LAB as a tool to engage DSU.  

PR and Outreach Committee to create policy for SUBA awarding developers/businesses  for excellent bicycle improvements.  

Kye, Marc, Arthur to put together plan for helping cities adopt complete street  ordinance. 

Arthur suggested Road Respect was a great program to increase bike awareness. Maybe SUBA could be influential in bringing them back. Kye will invite Heidi G from UDOT to  come and present on the state of Road Respect and related programs.  

Review of Vision Statement. How well are we doing? What is our grade? Dannielle commented that we are struggling getting a significant share of transportation accomplished via bicycle, mainly because there has not been good progress in promoting respect between vehicles and bicycles. John suggested providing infrastructure to separate road users is key to promoting safety and respect.

Dixie Transportation Expo help: Arthur, Marc, John, Kye, Tom, and Ryan all volunteered to help plan and  staff the SUBA booth at the Transportation Expo.

What are goals for Expo? Marc suggested to use expo to educate community on role of SUBA. Get suggestions from communities on where safe routes to school are needed, and how SUBA can help advocate. Ryan suggested displaying content from active transportation plan. Kye will take the lead on  organizing information and content for expo. Ryan might have some giveaways left that we can distribute. Arthur motion to make $100 for incidental expo supplies, Denise second. Passed unanimously. Marc will double check on expo fee and have Karen Roundy follow up. 

John will continue to work on his committee. 

John motion to adjourn, Arthur second at 2:32pm.

SUBA Board Meeting - FEB 10, 2020

1:00pm – Washington County Community Development Conference Room

Members in Attendance: Craig Shanklin, Scott Richardson, Kye Nordfelt, Tom Dansie, John Reed, Marc Mortensen, Ryan Gurr, Danielle Larkin, Kevin Lewis

Others in attendance: Scott Messel, Jeff Sanders, Dave Vaillieux, Thomas Takach, Heidi Goedhart, Leslie Fonger, Judith Rongley


Those in attendance introduced themselves.


Tom gave a summary of the minutes from the January meeting. Danielle made a motion to approve minutes, Craig second. Passed unanimously.


Denise sent out report earlier. All expenses had been previously approved by board. Next month there will be a modification of the financial report to reflect a separate line item for Cycling Without Age. Kye  needs to complete paperwork for new CWA bank account.  

There is an agreement for CWA first trishaw, SUBA has no responsibility for the loan. COMMITTEE REPORTS

Website report: None.

Community Outreach and Public Relations: The committee will get Della (media specialist) writing articles on bike fix stations, county signage, Springdale bike fix station, general article on bike improvements in Washington County. Della will write the articles and then shop them to news outlets.

Craig made a motion to spend $150 on newsletter articles, Dannielle second. Passed unanimously. The  committee will take lead on determining which two topics to write articles about. The articles will need  to be posted on the SUBA website. 

Discussion on highlighting the Sand Hollow bike station and trailhead as the first trailhead in an article. Sign needs to be printed. Arthur will take the lead on printing the sign for Sand Hollow. Discussion on trailhead signs at Kolob Road and St. George. The Board needs to follow up with Arthur and the Conservancy District on the Kolob Road trailheads. John to follow up with Ivins on their trailhead sign.  Need to coordinate production of signs. Kevin will get final design file to Ryan. Ryan will coordinate the  production of the aluminum sign with Rainbow sign.


Kye met with Ryan, Dannielle, Marc to determine what to present at Dixie Transportation Expo. There will be a map to mark areas of concern, also maps to show current active transportation projects. Ryan  and Holly will bring e-bikes for display.  


Kye presented draft action plan based on last meeting’s discussion. Board members will review the draft  plan and provide feedback to Kye over the next month. Action plan is broken down by Goal, Tasks, Project Lead, Status, Percent Complete, Due Date.

Scott and Leslie are working on county wide outdoor recreation plan / active transportation plan that could fit in with action plan.


Craig reported on a list of active transportation projects currently in progress. Board members to send projects to Craig. Craig will keep list updated. This could be a great resource to put on the website. This could be a good tool to keep community informed. Kye offered to have Health Department employee  tasked with keeping the list updated. Craig will send information sources to Kye, who will work with  Health Department Employee on keeping the list current. 

Discussion on getting trail information to Google for googlemaps integration. Heidi G can work with  AGRC on coordinating information sharing. Marc, Scott to send GIS data of trails to Heidi. 

MOVE UTAH Presentation

Heidi G from UDOT made a presentation on the Move Utah program. The program provides technical assistance and support to local communities to build up active transportation, bikes and pedestrians. Strategic plan is developed. Move Utah is not just a program, it’s a part of the UDOT planning process. Goal is to promote increased mobility, healthy lifestyles for all Utahn’s. Good Health, Better Mobility, Strong Economy, Connected Communities are core values of DOT planning. Transportation funding from UDOT can now be spent on active transportation. Requirement is that project must be on UDOT approved active transportation plan. Heidi is working with jurisdictions to help get local active transportation plans UDOT approved.

Heidi has resources for presentations on active transportation, model ordinances for complete streets (context sensitive design).


Craig motion to authorize letter of support for CAATS, John second. Tom will polish the letter up, Kye  will hand deliver to Congressman Stewart’s office. 


Craig, Dannielle, Ryan, Kye meet with Rick Torgerson monthly to discuss active transportation. During last meeting discussion of tunnel at Bluff / Main Street came up. Encouraged SUBA / City of St. George to make request for funding for tunnel at March UDOT Transportation Commission. Heidi will set up  mobile active transportation tour of intersection in conjunction with commission meeting.


Potential concern with future use of SR7 for Ironman route. UDOT potential policy decision to make SR7 a limited access road, no bikes allowed. Could impact future events, as well as road cycling in general on SR7. Need to advocate with UDOT for continued bicycle access on SR7.

Also, Ironman has 100 bikes to give away to kids. Ironman needs help assembling and distributing bikes to kids. That many bikes will require a community wide effort to assemble and distribute. Could use scouts, church groups, high school MTB teams. It would be a good PR move to distribute bikes at the event.

Need twice as many volunteers because of full. Need volunteer captains. SUBA needs to do a better job  of recruiting volunteers. Need bike techs, as well as general volunteers. 


Proposal for next month’s discussion about coordinating all the different bike month activities across the county. Also proposal for bike month movie, “The Motherload.” Maybe do a multi-day movie event.

Adjourn at 2:57pm.

SUBA Board Meeting

March 9, 2020 – 1:00PM

Washington County Community Development Conference Room

Members in Attendance: John Reed, Ryan Gurr, Kye Nordfelt, Denise Purdue, Tom Dansie, Scott Richardson

Others: Dave Veilleux, Jeff Sanders, Tracey Munson, Scott Messel

Kye called the meeting to order at 1:08pm


Craig, Marc and Mayor will make a presentation to the UDOT Transportation Commission during their March meeting regarding the south Bluff project, including an underpass tunnel at Bluff and Main  Street. This project is currently not funded, the hope is to bring more awareness and potential funding with a presentation to the Commission.


The communication committee will meet with Della, SUBA’s media consultant, on Friday, March 13 to discuss media article topics. 

Ryan gave an update on the trail head sign production. The cost is $255 per sign, which includes UV and scratch resistant coating. Six signs are needed. Ryan will coordinate the production of the signs with the sign company.

John reported that SUBA needs to recruit more Ironman bike techs. Denise, Kye, and Dave all volunteered to help. The Board suggested Holly send out a general call to SUBA for Ironman Volunteers.  

Tom reported that, due to work commitments and responsibilities, he needed to resign as secretary and from his position as a member of the board. Denise offered to assume the secretary responsibilities, in addition to her role as treasurer. John motion to appoint Denise as Secretary, Tom second. Passed unanimously.


Denise gave the financial report. Payments were made to Broad Pop, League of American Bicyclists (including D/O insurance), and Constant Contact.

SUBA received a donation check from Amazon Smile. The Board suggested Holly send out a reminder to the email list about signing up for Amazon Smile. SUBA received two other donations for a total of $3,000.

Denise filed the required annual IRS Form.

Denise followed up from the December meeting regarding Cycling Without Age. The Board’s motion in December required the Board to reevaluate relationship with CWA prior to actual rides being offered. CWA is now close to offering rides, so the SUBA Board needed to reassess the relationship with CWA. The Board had a discussion on what it means to have CWA be an official part of SUBA. Motion by Denise to make CWA a part of SUBA. Amendment offered by Tom to require CWA to become a standing SUBA Committee, with requirement to report activities and financial transactions to SUBA Board. Discussion on long-term status of CWA. Will it be a stand-alone entity at some point? Scott reported that CWA is still pursuing some options. Ryan second motion, passed unanimously.


Kye reviewed the SUBA draft action plan and requested feedback from the Board. Board members agreed the action plan looked good and was in keeping with SUBA’s mission, as well as previous Board discussions. John motion to approve the strategic plan, with the knowledge that this is a living plan that can be updated. Second by Ryan. Passed unanimously.


Complete Streets Policy: Kye reported on progress being made with City of St. George on adopting a complete streets policy ordinance. Discussion on terminology: complete streets vs. livable streets. Livable streets are places where people want to live, puts people back on streets. Discussion on making efforts through the community development office at St. George, instead of just public works. Need to make sure livable streets gets put in communities’ general plans. The Board was in favor of using terminology of livable street versus complete streets.


Kye had a conference call with Ironman on the plan to distribute bikes to school children. SUBA will work with elementary schools to identify good recipients for the bikes. The plan is to have the bike recipients come to the race expo the day prior to the race (May 1) to receive bikes.

(Kye was excused at 1:55pm, Ryan assumed chair role)


John presented the SUBA restructuring plan (see attached). Board Members discussed policy issues related to the report, particularly the role of president and vice-president. Discussion on the purpose and function of the Development Committee. Discussion on how to involve UDOT representation. Need a distinction between voting board members, and non-voting advisory board members. Discussion on the total number of board members The Board suggested there be 11 voting members. May need to change name of Key Leader Board, to Key Leader Committee (or similar). John will make edits discussed  in the meeting, and provide a link to the document on Drive. Board members will post comments on the revised document on Drive. 

John also presented the Conflict of Interest and Ethics documents, and the Crisis Plan.

John mentioned we also need a social media policy. We should also have a SUBA Board roster available to all board members.

Board will make comments on the plan with the intent to have a document ready for adoption in the  next meeting. 


Board members will send email to Kye with bike month ideas. Kye will compile and discuss at the next meeting. 


Tracy reported that he can provide information on UDOT projects to a SUBA representative. He questioned what geographic area we are interested in. The Board felt that we should focus on just Washington County.

John mentioned we need to follow up on the lack of signage at Bluff Street underpass. Need to understand why signage was not included in plans. Tracy will talk to Project Manager to see why signage  was dropped.  

Meeting adjourned at 2:36pm.

SUBA Board Meeting May 11, 2020 – 1:00PM Via Zoom

Board Members in Attendance: Kye Nordfelt, Marc Mortensen, Ryan Gurr, Craig Shanklin, Denise Purdue, John Reed, Arthur LeBaron, Dannielle Larkin

Others: Tracy Munson, Gail Artrip, Della Lowe, Leslie Fonger, Dave Veilleux, Ian Scott-Parker Kye called the meeting to order at 1:04pm


Everyone introduced himself or herself. Craig introduced Gail Artrip, who is new to the area, is an avid cyclist, and has experience in bike advocacy. Craig also introduced Ian Scott-Parker who has been in the area for about 9 years and is an avid cyclist.

Kye reviewed the meeting agenda.


Craig reported on the presentation to the UDOT Transportation Commission during their March virtual meeting for the South Bluff project, including an underpass tunnel at Bluff and Main Street. Horrocks has started design and their estimate is that the tunnel adds between $1.1M and $1.4M. UDOT and City of St. George are working on securing funding. $1.1M is available from the MPO; UDOT has offered $1M; but the remainder of the required project funding has not been secured. Dannielle indicated that there might be a possibility of partnering with Greater Zion Tourism for potential funding. Leslie responded that tourism funding might be hard to procure due to lack of tourism monies coming into the area.

The communication committee (Ryan, Craig, Dannielle) met with Della Lowe, SUBA’s media consultant, on Friday, March 13 to discuss media article topics. Della reported on topics discussed, research conducted, and potential for articles. Craig added that they had discussed a media event to highlight the completion of SUBA’s countywide bike route project. Arthur’s son is ready to place the sign at Sand Hollow State Park as part of his Eagle Scout project, and that might be a good time for a media event. Marc added an additional sign placement opportunity. Kye spoke about the Bloomington Hills Drive - Safe Routes to Schools project benefiting Bloomington Hills Elementary School, which started construction today, as a good media opportunity. Arthur reported that the Healthy Dixie Council procured a grant from the Specialized Out Ride program for Valley Academy in Hurricane.


Denise gave the financial report. Payments were made to Constant Contact, Rainbow Sign and Banner (Trailhead signs), and reimbursements to Scott Richardson from the CWA account for trishaw expenses and Liability and Property Insurance.


John asked for comments regarding the SUBA restructuring plan, which had been shared on Google Docs. Dannielle commented on the Key Leader Board, its purpose, overlapping groups in the community, and the potential dilution of effectiveness with “over meeting” of groups and boards. Kye feels it would be distinct from our current board, meeting with higher level individuals on other boards, CEO’s, etc. that would be impactful individuals who have the ability to move resources around, impact policy, and get things done. This board might meet only once or twice a year. John thinks the purpose of the KLB is for outside members to gain ownership in SUBA and our goals and mission. Craig feels it might be redundant, with these people already being in contact and working together on a regular basis.

Dannielle expressed concern about including Committee Chairs on the Executive Committee. If we include everyone, then it’s almost everyone on the Board of Directors. Also, her experience is that Executive Committees that are too large don’t function very well.

There are enough concerns over this report that it was decided to table discussion, do further work on the documents off-line, and select a future date for adoption.  


Holly is still maintaining the website, it seems to be working well, and will remain the same. CYCLING WITHOUT AGE

Craig reported that CWA is currently not providing trishaw rides due to COVID19. We are still pursuing fundraising opportunities and just submitted a grant request to AARP for the purchase of a second trishaw.


Kye reviewed the SUBA strategic action plan, goals, and tasks including current status of each item.

Goal 1: Complete Streets Policy: Kye reported on tomorrow’s meeting with SU Home Builders. Craig clarified that it’s important to encourage the City to work with developers and homebuilders on incorporating active transportation and complete streets in their projects. Ryan discussed infrastructure required by City in areas not a part of a specific development and the difficulty in getting those projects funded and constructed. Arthur feels that larger developers see the benefits and include infrastructure in their projects. Marc agreed with Arthur, but says it is impacting housing affordability, and the challenge of coordinating the minimum infrastructure that the City puts in for a new development, and the requirements for improvements by the Developer. SUHB is a diverse group including large developers and small house builders, and it’s important to get their buy-in. Marc suggested an informal approach tomorrow with more detailed follow-up in the future.

Goal 2: Review Street Projects: Kye discussed presenting the City Council with infrastructure opportunities on upcoming projects. Marc reported on 100 South resurfacing and striping. The Mayor has requested that the striping be redone and include bike lanes in accordance with the Active

Transportation plan. Bike lane striping will be extended from Bluff to 700 East. It was reiterated that we should be monitoring the resurfacing projects and their adherence to the AT plans. Craig suggested that the St. George Active Transportation Committee request a regular report from the city about upcoming projects to develop a monitoring process. John reported on Ivins and their success in implementing AT

into their projects. Ryan provided an update on the need for sharrows on 700 South under the freeway. Marc also suggested we advocate for sharrows on 100 South from 700 East to River Rd. Discussion regarding best way to approach the City, whether by letter, e-mail, or public comment at City Council meeting. Kye will draft an e-mail to the City Council. 

Goal 4: Help DSU become more bike friendly: LAB application for Bike Friendly University is due in October. DSU would need to be lead on application. Discussion about whether or not the University would be interested, timing with students not on campus, availability of personnel to work on the application. Marc will follow up.

Goal 5: PR and Outreach Committee: Craig suggested a formal update to board in 60 days. ROAD/TRAIL UPDATES:

Craig provided updates on local projects. Craig proposed a need for SUBA to advocate for trail maintenance. Several of the paved local multi-use trails have areas of upheaval and other maintenance needs. If the trail can’t pass the “roller blade test”, safety maintenance is necessary.

Craig reported a need for signage near the new 400 South underpass and the need to repaint the sharrows on 400 South. Kye will include this project in his e-mail to the City Council. 

Kye initiated discussion on how to build and balance relationships with designers, road and maintenance personnel, and government officials. Is there a way for us to effectively show our appreciation for their efforts and cooperation? Craig suggested recognizing city trail designers with upcoming opening of “missing link”. Ryan suggested we approach Cameron and his staff directly prior to sending e-mail to the City Council. Decision was made to have a working lunch meeting with Cameron and his staff. Ryan will  provide lunch. Kye will coordinate the date. 


Latest information on local bike month activities can be found on With increased usage of trails during the COVID19 lockdown, much of which is by new and inexperienced trail users, Craig suggested an education campaign focusing on proper trail etiquette. Craig suggested yard signs be placed along the trails, outlining proper trail etiquette with four or five messages, with signs placed in clusters. Marc made a motion that SUBA spend $250 to purchase signs with matching funds offered by  Kye and Ryan. Kye offered matching funds from SW Utah Public Health and Ryan offered matching funds  from Red Rock Bicycle. Motion was seconded by Ryan. Motion passed unanimously. Craig will design  signs and send to board members for approval prior to printing. 

Everyone was reminded of the virtual film festival on Wednesday, which can be accessed through

Meeting adjourned at 3:01pm.

SUBA Board Meeting June 8, 2020 – 12:00PM

Southwest Utah Public Health Department, 620 South 400 East, 2nd Floor Conference Room

Board Members in Attendance: Kye Nordfelt, Marc Mortensen, Ryan Gurr, Craig Shanklin, Denise Purdue, Dannielle Larkin

Others: Tracy Munson, Gail Artrip, Della Lowe, Ian Scott-Parker, Judith Rognli Kye called the meeting to order at 12:06pm


Kye welcomed everyone and introductions were made. Lunch for in-person attendees was provided by SWUPHD.


Kye reviewed the May meeting minutes. Craig and Dannielle provided follow-up on the Bluff and Main Street project, reporting that the City of St. George and UDOT have agreed on a funding plan. Horrocks is continuing with design.

Della provided an update on draft press releases and feedback received from Craig and Dannielle. Recommend we expand information for press releases for Sand Hollow State Park, the trail sign project, and the “Missing Link”. Notifications for events need to be sent to press outlets at least a week in advance to ensure their attendance. Della is suggesting a story versus a one-time press release due to the breadth and extent of our projects. Della also recommended planning publicity with specific elements in mind.

Upcoming story ideas: Bloomington Drive and the safe-route-to-school project; Valley Academy and the Specialized Out Ride Program.

Marc provided an update on the lunch held with Cameron and his staff. Meeting was successful in establishing relationships, with Marc noting that Cameron reported to the City Council that he was working with SUBA, and the ability of the group to discuss a couple of ongoing projects with Cameron and his staff. Thanks to Ryan and Red Rock Bicycle for providing lunch.

Kye provided an update on bike month activities sponsored by SWUPHD and the City of St. George.

Craig reported on the success and challenges of the trail etiquette signs project. 42 signs were printed with the first half being installed with great positive feedback. We also received one negative response with the assumption that it might have been that specific person who

removed and vandalized the signs. The remainder of the signs will be installed prior to the “Missing Link” opening on Friday, June 12th.

Motion to approve minutes made by Dannielle; seconded by Craig; approved unanimously. FINANCIAL REPORT

Denise gave the financial report. Payments were made to Constant Contact, USPS (PO box renewal), and a reimbursement to Craig Shanklin for the trail etiquette signs ($500 of that amount will be reimbursed by SWUPHD and Red Rock Bicycle). We also received our quarterly donation from Amazon Smile.

Denise also reported that in March 2019, the board approved Youth Open Shop Aprons for the Bicycle Collective to be paid from a $500 IHC Community Health Grant received February 11, 2019. At the June 13, 2019 board meeting, a request was made by the Bicycle Collective to use these monies for water bottles instead, which was approved by the board. A request for reimbursement from the Bicycle Collective has been received. The reimbursement request shows monies were used for a canopy tent, bike safety check banners, an air compressor, miscellaneous supplies, and shop aprons. Motion made by Dannielle to approve reimbursement; seconded by Marc; motion approved unanimously.


John was not in attendance; tabled for future discussion.


Holly has requested a leave of absence from the board. Discussion about the need for a new webmaster. Ryan volunteered to contact Vincent and Holly and determine next steps. 


Craig reported that Scott Richardson has resigned from the SUBA board and departed the St. George area for a new job in Las Vegas. We will need to find a new CWA champion to be able to maintain the program. Craig and Denise will put out feelers and report back in 60 days. A suggestion was made to have the trishaw at the “Missing Link” opening to maintain program visibility. Trishaw is currently in Craig’s garage. Marc will follow up on the proposed storage  facility located at Tonaquint Cemetery previously offered by the City of St. George. 


Kye reviewed the SUBA strategic action plan, goals, and tasks including current status of each item.

Goal 1: Complete Streets Policy: Kye has received a proposal from Tom Millar to help with drafting a Complete Streets Policy that could be presented to SUHBA and the St. George City Council. Proposal was not-to-exceed $6500. Discussion of the need for policy and ordinance

especially as it relates to school site selection. Connectivity is also a big selling point with new neighborhood development and SUHBA. Public safety, especially with the fire department, is an important consideration. Funding from all support groups would be ideal: Healthy Dixie Council, SUHBA, SWUPHD, City of St. George, SUBA, etc. Marc and Dannielle will meet with the City of  St. George to determine interest and financial contribution. Marc will also follow up with SUHBA for possible financial contribution. Kye will approach the SWUPHD and Healthy Dixie  Council for contribution. Ryan mentioned the Specialized Out Ride Foundation might be a funding source as well; Kye will investigate and apply if appropriate. 

Goal 2: Review Street Projects: Kye reported on SUBA’s success in meeting with different city agencies and our ability to work with them. Kye expressed a perceived need to establish a relationship with Washington City. Craig Coates, City Councilman and cyclist, was suggested as a possible resource. Ben Ray and Kurt Ivie were also suggested.

Goal 3: Create a SUBA Key Leader Board: John is working on this with the Restructuring Committee.

Goal 4: Help DSU become more bike friendly: Marc is working with Paul at DSU to encourage DSU’s application to become a LAB Bike Friendly University. Marc suggested putting together a small group to meet with him a few more times to gauge interest and facilitate the process.

Goal 5: PR and Outreach Committee: Encourage additional participation by more members.

Goal 6: Celebrate/Highlight Successes of SUBA: Della and the PR committee are developing press releases.


Craig reported on the extension of the Virgin River Trail to Country Lane and the “bridge to nowhere” in Washington City will be completed by the end of the summer.

UDOT is expecting a final report on the proposed bike path to Springdale within the next week or so. It will include multiple alignment options.

Tracy reported on the completion of a small section of the Southern Parkway near mile marker 2 that wasn’t completed last summer.


Kye reported that there might be an upcoming pop-up project this fall where we could set up a temporary bike lane similar to what was done last year on Main Street.

The Bicycle Collective will be moving to their new facility next to Red Rock Bicycle on June 26th.

Dannielle reported that AGC has asked if she could do a presentation to better inform contractors as to how they can effectively interact with cyclists on or near commercial construction projects, sharing the road with heavy equipment, etc.

Tracy reported that he met with Heidi regarding acquiring physical counts on trails to be compared with the Strava heat map to provide more accurate user data. Craig said we had information available that could be shared. Dannielle will follow up with Shane to have data sent to Heidi. 

Danielle reported that the Bike Share and Scooter Share programs are ending due to the financial hardship of the current provider. As these were popular programs, the City is putting out an RFP in hopes of finding a new vendor. The population of our service area is a challenge for prospective vendors.

Meeting adjourned at 2:02pm.

SUBA Board Meeting August 10, 2020 – 1:00 PM Online via Zoom and/or phone

Board Members in Attendance: Kye Nordfelt, Marc Mortensen, Craig Shanklin, Ryan Gurr, Denise Purdue, Dannielle Larkin, Arthur LeBaron, Benjamin Rae, Gail Artrip, Kim Pollock

Others: Kevin Lewis, Tom Dansie, Della Lowe, Jeff Sanders, Brett Burgess, Craig Andrews, Ian Scott-Parker

Kye called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm


Kye welcomed everyone and introductions were made.


Kye directed everyone’s attention to the prospective board member bios and impressive resumes that were available for review. SUBA will benefit greatly from their participation and addition to the board. A motion was made by Craig Shanklin to approve Benjamin Rae, Gail Altrip, Patty Wise, and Kim Pollock as board members of the Southern Utah Bicycle Alliance; seconded by Dannielle Larkin; approved unanimously.


Kye reviewed the June meeting minutes.

Dannielle reported that the Bluff and Main Street project is underway, currently under design with Horrocks Engineers, with construction anticipated for winter or early spring.***

Craig reported that the trail etiquette signs will go back up in new locations in September for a two week period.

Ryan has contact information for the webmaster, and will put the appropriate person in touch with him when that duty is assigned.

Updates on Cycling without Age, the Strategic Plan, and Road/Trail Updates are detailed in the appropriate sections below.

Marc reported that the City of St. George has signed an agreement with Tom Millar to develop a Complete Streets Policy. The City will fund $3500 and SWUDPH will fund the additional $3000. The City and Tom Millar will work together to determine stakeholders who should be involved

in the planning meetings. It is anticipated that the result will be a City Ordinance that will outline requirements for future development that developers will need to follow.

Dannielle reported that she and Marc are working with Mayor Pike, President Williams, and other DSU representatives to encourage the university to become more pedestrian and bicycle friendly. They may pursue LAB Bike Friendly University designation in the future. Gail Altrip volunteered to participate in this endeavor.

Motion to approve the June meeting minutes made by Dannielle; seconded by Marc; approved unanimously.


Denise gave the financial report. Payments were made in July and August to Constant Contact, Webline Services (annual domain renewal), Della Lowe (media articles), the St. George Bicycle Collective ($500 reimbursement from the IHC Grant) and a semi-annual payment to Vincent Hess for 6-months of website maintenance. We also received our quarterly donation from Smiths, a donation from the Benevity Fund, and matching funds from Red Rock Bicycle and SWUPHD for the trail etiquette signs.

Denise also reported on the Utah Outdoor Recreation Grant, status of request for reimbursement, and need for further cost documentation. Final requirements are a media event, site visit, and documentation of required UORG attribution signage. Kevin Lewis will  provide cost information for the trail website development for inclusion in the final grant accounting. Marc will provide cost information from City of St. George for trailhead sign installation. 


Kye reviewed the proposed additions and changes to the Southern Utah Bicycle Alliance Bylaws, a copy of which was provided to board members. Kye also reviewed the various board  committees and asked board members to think about which committee they might want to serve on. 

Dannielle made a motion to approve the updated Bylaws of the Southern Utah Bicycle Alliance; seconded by Ryan; approved unanimously.


Kye asked for a volunteer to become our new webmaster. Kim Pollock expressed interest in that position. Ryan mentioned that Holly had also been responsible for fundraising, and asked if anyone had an interest in that. Kim indicated he had experience with Constant Contact, but was not necessarily a fundraising specialist. Craig and Ryan will meet with Kim to further discuss the  webmaster and fundraising requirements. Della volunteered to participate as well.


Craig reported that Lucy Ormond has expressed an interest in being the new CWA Champion. CWA is still looking for a storage facility and the preferred location is still the Tonaquint Cemetery. Dannielle will check to see if the City of St. George is still willing to provide the storage container. Ryan offered temporary storage at his warehouse on Riverside Drive.


Della reported that out first article on Walkable Streets was published by the St. George News and will also be published in a national publication in November. Della would like to interview Kevin Lewis for the press release on the Utah ORG sign project completion. She has other ideas for press releases and stories, including CWA, Complete Streets, etc.

Craig requested suggestions for an event to celebrate the completion of the sign project. We also need to perform follow-up on installation of trailhead signage that has not yet been installed. Tom suggested we coordinate with Emily Friedman for information regarding perceived hesitation to installation of trailhead signage by municipalities.


Kye reviewed the SUBA strategic action plan, goals, and tasks including current status of each item. We have completed many tasks, and are making good progress.

Goal 1: Arthur mentioned that Rick Snyder is the new Washington City engineer, and it would be a good time to introduce SUBA and our goals and mission.

Goal 2: Review Street Projects: No further discussion.

Goal 3: No discussion.

Goal 4: No discussion.

Goal 5: PR and Outreach Committee: Jonathan Hunt of Sand Hollow State Park expressed interest in a bike path around the lake. Arthur suggested an award to recognize and encourage his continued interest and participation. Dannielle suggested an event to recognize developers as well. Brett Burgess mentioned several developers that are incorporating cycling and mountain biking trails into their projects, and thinks developers are embracing and welcoming these additions to their developments. SUBHA has its member meeting the first Tuesday of the month, and that might be a good opportunity for developer recognition.

Goal 6: Celebrate/Highlight Successes of SUBA: No discussion.


Benjamin Rae reported on the extension of the Virgin River Trail to Country Lane, a new park being developed, and the due date of 30 September for completion of certain aspects. He anticipates it will be finished by mid-October.

Craig reported that Horrock Engineers is days away from presenting their plan for the 25-mile trail from La Verkin to Springdale. Funding challenges may require prioritizing sections for construction.


Tom Dansie provided a detailed update on the proposed La Verkin to Springdale trail. The feasibilty study includes a multi-use trail from La Verkin to Springdale. Four different alignments were considered for the trail corridor: the Northern Route, the River Route (through Pah Tempe and then primarily following the Virgin River), the Southern Route (primarily on BLM land), and the SR-9 Route. The consultants looked at each option from cost, aesthetic desirability, environmental impacts, and rider preference. The SR-9 route is probably the preferred initial alternative, although there is trepidation to having it alongside the highway. The thought is that this will not be on the only trail in the area, but could be the backbone to future trail development. Primary reasons for the recommendation include fewer environmental concerns, constructability, cost, and connectivity, recognizing concerns of being close to the highway, noise, and a possible perceived lack of safety for both pedestrians and cyclists. Discussions with the cities of La Verkin and Virgin are currently underway for the first phase of the project. This is a great opportunity to connect the region with a much needed and sought-after trail in Washington County.

Meeting adjourned at 2:50 pm.]

Respectfully submitted,

Denise Purdue, Secretary / Treasurer

*** A follow-up e-mail from Jeff Sanders following the meeting indicated that the Bluff Street tunnel project timetable isn’t as favorable as we initially hoped. UDOT will be the lead on this project with the responsibility for design and construction. Design is anticipated to begin in the next few weeks, with advertisements for construction in the spring, and construction commencing next summer with a five month construction window.

SUBA Board Meeting September 14, 2020 – 1:00 PM Online via Zoom and/or phone

Board Members in Attendance: Kye Nordfelt, Craig Shanklin, Ryan Gurr, Denise Purdue, Arthur LeBaron, Benjamin Rae, Gail Artrip, Patty Wise, Marc Mortensen.

Others: Jeff Sanders (UDOT), Chris Wiltsie (BikeUtah), Ian Scott-Parker, Tracy Munson (UDOT). Kye called the meeting to order at 1:08 pm


Kye welcomed everyone and introductions were made.

October 2nd, 8am, Bloomington Hills Celebration and Bike-to-School Day. Celebrating new opening of the walk and bike path from local neighborhoods to Bloomington Elementary, Desert Hills Junior High, and Desert Hills High School. Kye will send more info as it becomes available.

Oct 12th, 6pm, Bike with Pike at Confluence Park; leisurely bike ride on the Mayor’s Loop sponsored by St. George Active Transportation Committee.

October 13th, 5:30-7:30 pm, opening of City of Washington new Main Street beautification and upgrades project and the grand opening of Boilers Park. The bike ride will start at City Hall near Telegraph and Main Street, biking north up Main Street and to the Park.


Kye reviewed the August meeting minutes.

Craig reported on trail etiquette signs, which were up in the spring in three different locations, and with so many new trail users it’s time to put those up again.

Ryan was able to secure website login information, and will do some training with Vincent next week so he can be a resource to keep the website updated.

St. George is proceeding with Complete Streets Ordinance working with consultant Tom Millar.

Dixie State University is proceeding with LAB Bicycle Friendly University status. Gail reported that it is a lengthy process, with a lot of elements, and it will require significant effort by the University. The University did submit an initial application, and are waiting on a response from LAB. Marc suggested Gail be the SUBA liaison with the University to follow-up on this. Gail  accepted the position.

Potential pop-up demonstration project on 700 East in the future.

Kevin provided Denise with Greater Zion in-kind donation information for the trails website.

We need to revisit the changes made to the Bylaws last month. Information will be forthcoming, and will be discussed at the next meeting. 

Kim has agreed to take on Webmaster responsibilities.

Motion to approve the August meeting minutes made by Marc; seconded by Arthur; approved unanimously.


Denise gave the financial report. Monthly payment was made in late-August to Constant Contact. We also received a small donation from the Benevity Fund. There has been no activity to-date in September.

Denise also reported on the Utah Outdoor Recreation Grant. As the project is not complete, we have only been able to bill for 75% of the grant amount. Do we now want to declare the project complete? We have received in-kind donation information for sign installation from the City of St. George, the City of Hurricane, and Washington County. We received in-kind donation information from Greater Zion for the website development. We have not received in-kind donation information for sign installation from City of Washington, City of Ivins, City of Santa Clara, or UDOT. Do we have contacts at these entities from which we can get in-kind donation information? Tracy will resend UDOT information. Benjamin will contact Mike Shaw, Public  Works Director, for costs for poles and sign installation. 

A donation was received from a donor who has asked that it be used for getting kids on bikes. Craig asked for board members to think about ideas and let Craig know of any potential ideas for kids and bikes. Chris Wiltsie suggested the Bike Utah BEST program that teaches kids to ride bikes safely. There are currently three Washington County schools signed up for the program.

Denise reported that as Secretary she has been reviewing past meeting minutes and is working to update our organizational information from changes adopted during previous board meetings. Updated organizational information will be sent to board members. 


No further discussion.


We are looking at various options for the program including selling the trishaw. Craig will report more at a future meeting.


Press release for the UORG infrastructure project is complete and now need to schedule an event. The County trail website has been going through renovations to finalize comments and corrections, and should be complete some time next week. Arthur suggested having the event at the Sand Hollow State Park trailhead. We could also highlight the proposed SR-7 trail from Sun River to Hurricane as well as the proposed trail around Sand Hollow. Event date of Wednesday, October 7th, 3pm, at Sand Hollow was selected. 


There are several volunteer opportunities available including: painting bike symbols in St. George; trail courtesy signage placement; and trail clean-up from the recent flood.

Volunteers are needed one day during the week to work with a City crew to help with the Half Way Wash cleanup. Project includes a need for volunteers to help with shoveling and compacting dirt in and around the wall as the City uses heavy equipment to reset the large rocks. Wednesday, Sept 23rd , 7-9am, was suggested for this date. Marc will contact Shane Moore and coordinate. Volunteers can park in the Dixie Sunset Plaza at 1812 W Sunset Blvd. Volunteers should bring shovels, brooms, and gloves.

Volunteers are needed to paint bicycle symbols on traffic lanes throughout the City of St. George. The City will provide the equipment, and SUBA can organize times and volunteers. Kye has a spreadsheet with locations. This is a project that will take multiple dates and times to complete. Craig suggested a training session for board members who can then lead teams of volunteers. We need to determine the ideal number of volunteers for each team. Kye will send out a poll to determine a time for the training.

Volunteers are needed to reinstall the trail etiquette signs. Craig asked if this was something the board wanted to do again, since we did have some negative feedback, including sign vandalism. Generally, the feedback was positive, and the City of St. George appreciated the signs. Marc is going to have the City procure similar signs directed towards scooter etiquette on the trails. Marc suggested spreading the signs across multiple locations/cities. Benjamin reported that the City of Washington is looking at developing permanent etiquette signs for trails within their city limits. Marc reported that the City of St. George and the Mayor are interested in permanent trail etiquette signs as well. In the meantime, temporary signs are welcome, and the City will promote them in partnership with SUBA, to educate users and attempt to alleviate any potential negativity. Craig will provide a few dates in the next few  weeks for volunteers to respond. 


Kye reviewed the SUBA strategic action plan, goals, and tasks including current status of each item. We have completed many tasks, and are making good progress on the plan.

Goal 1: Help cities implement their Active Transportation Plans.

The bulk of the tasks are complete. St. George is working with a consultant to develop a Complete Streets Ordinance and will present it to the City Council for their approval.

Goal 2: Review Street Projects during the planning phase and provide feedback for cyclists.

Kye asked if Benjamin would be able to provide information on projects within the City of Washington. Craig asked Jeff if he would be able to provide information on UDOT projects. Bike lane painting project was discussed earlier under volunteer opportunities.

Goal 3: No discussion.

Goal 4: Help Dixie State University become more bike friendly.

LAB status was discussed earlier.

Goal 5: Recognize developers/businesses/governments for excellence in bicycle improvements. Kye referred to ideas suggested at last month’s meeting.

Goal 6: Celebrate/Highlight Successes of SUBA.

No discussion.


The City of St. George has signed a contract to have Spin Scooters again available to users in St. George. With increased trail usage, the need for trail etiquette signage is paramount. They are starting with 250 scooters, and may grow the program to 400 scooters based on usage. The City of Washington is having discussions about whether or not they want a scooter and/or e-bike contract and what policies they want within the City.


SR-7 (Southern Parkway) Active Transportation Plan presented by Jeff Sanders: currently there is no pathway along SR-7 and cyclists must cycle on the shoulder, which is less than optimum. The plan addresses the need to develop a pathway over the next 20-30 years along the 26.1- mile corridor from I-15 to SR-9. UDOT is viewing this as a partnership between UDOT and the cities through which SR-7 travels. UDOT identified a total of 21 distinct projects which, when combined, will provide a pathway along the entire 26.1-mile corridor. The total cost of all projects is approximately $21M. UDOT’s hope is that the trail will be recreational, connecting different areas and neighborhoods, providing connectivity to different destinations. UDOT ranked the 21 projects, and developed a prioritization matrix. UDOT hopes municipalities and other organizations will partner with UDOT to develop funding opportunities. UDOT thinks they can provide 60% of the total project cost through an upcoming grant, leaving 40% to be provided by local funding sources. The hope is that the local match can be in-kind contributions

of right-of-way, or labor and material provided by developers. Chris Wiltsie asked if a Project Champion had been identified? Jeff says there is not currently a specific Project Champion, since it goes through 3 different municipalities and a large portion of the County. Craig suggested SUBA should be the Champion. Arthur pointed out that having the plan is a huge step forward, and offers an opportunity to partner with developing communities. Jeff suggested that the different cities should update their Active Transportation plans to incorporate the SR-7 plan.

Chris Wiltsie and Kye have been working on a pop-up demonstration project. The contract with Spin Scooters requires that they participate financially, although it is not specific. Kye is suggesting a pop-up project on the 700 East side of the Dixie State University campus. The first proposal is for a protected bike lane on the east side of the road, and a buffered bike lane on the west side of the road. A second option is for a two-way, protected, cycle track on the east side of the road with parking limited to the west side of the road. Both options would include two-lanes of traffic and a turn lane. Marc thought the north limit would be Tabernacle, and the southern limit would be 600 South. Kye and Chris will continue to work on the parameters of  the project and bring an update to the board at the next meeting. 

Meeting adjourned at 3:06 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Denise Purdue, Secretary / Treasurer

SUBA Board Meeting October 12, 2020 – 1:00 PM Online via Zoom and/or phone

Board Members in Attendance: Marc Mortensen, Dannielle Larkin, Craig Shanklin, John Reed, Denise Purdue, Kim Pollock, Ryan Gurr, Patty Wise, Gail Artrip.

Others: Jeff Sanders (UDOT), Chris Wiltsie (BikeUtah), Ian Scott-Parker, Tracy Munson (UDOT), Brett Burgess, Leslie Fonger.

Marc called the meeting to order at 1:03 pm


Marc welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Oct 12th, 5:30pm, Bike with Pike at Confluence Park; dinner and snacks followed by a leisurely bike ride on the Mayor’s Loop sponsored by St. George Active Transportation Committee.

October 13th, 5:30-7:00 pm, City of Washington Main Street / Boilers Park Grand Opening. The bike ride will start at City Hall near Telegraph and Main Street, biking north up Main Street and to the Park.

Chris Wiltsie provided follow-up on last month’s question of how to best count trail users. Chris is using the StreetLight Data Platform with Insight program to gather information on bikes, cars, and pedestrians in multiple cities in the Salt Lake area (Provo, Orem, Springville, etc). If SUBA were to procure this software, we could do so by partnering with BikeUtah, and receive a discount. Chris provided examples of cycling data he has gathered, recognizing recreation is not the predominant use; cyclists are riding for utilitarian purposes, through the urban cores. Strava heat maps show a different story; Insight provides a more complete story that infrastructure matters. Data is acquired by cell phone tracking, so those not using cell phones are not tracked. StreetLight data can be broken down into income, race, gender, and origin/destination. Chris thinks we could get a license for Washington County, limited to approximately 25 projects. He also suggested we could use his GIS intern to head up the project for SUBA. SUBA could potentially bring in other interested users to help defray and share the cost.

Pop-up demonstration project on 700 East – Marc, Chris, and Kye met to discuss the project. Marc reiterated that SpinScooters would help with cost of the project. Scope of project would be from 600 S to Tabernacle. Preference is to have the pop-up demonstration project while the University is in session, perhaps for a week in February. Chris has money in his budget that could be used as well. Gail, as our representative with DSU, will also be involved in the project.


Dannielle reviewed the September meeting minutes and assignments.

Denise will send information regarding Bylaws to be discussed at the next board meeting. 

Denise received information from Tracy Munson (UDOT) to finalize the UORG accounting and billing.

Craig and Ryan are working on ideas for the $3000 donation received for getting kids on bikes. 

UORG Trail Project - Craig reported that he is still working with Greater Zion on the trail project website changes/corrections. The county website should be complete by the end of next week. An event starting at the Tawa Ponds/Canyons Softball Complex with a bike ride to Fire Lake was suggested as the celebration event/location. John Reed expressed concern with trailhead signs

on wording of Santa Clara route which states it is signed south to north, when it is actually signed both directions. He is also concerned with the vinyl coating on the sign, which is already deteriorating. Marc stated that if signs deteriorate, the City will replace them and could use a more durable material.

Painting bike symbols on city streets project – Marc reported that we might be able to start this week. We need a crew to do a trial run. 

Trail etiquette signs – Signs have been put out for the Bike with Pike event. Marc added the City of St. George would be providing additional signage aimed at educating scooter users.

Motion to approve the September meeting minutes made by Dannielle; seconded by John; approved unanimously.


Denise gave the financial report. Payments were made to Constant Contact and a reimbursement to Craig Shanklin. We also received donations from Kroger and the Benevity Fund, and partial payment from the State of Utah for the Utah Outdoor Recreation Grant.

Kim suggested that we go on an annual payment schedule with Constant Contact to receive a discount. Kim and Denise will follow-up.


Marc asked for volunteers for specific committees.


Volunteers: Kye Nordfelt, Patty Wise, Brett Burgess, Jeff Sanders, Craig Shanklin, John Reed, Arthur LeBaron

Brett provided an update on the Complete Streets Ordinance and Active Transportation Plan. Marc reported the report from Tom Millar would be available for review soon.


Volunteers: Dannielle Larkin, Craig Shanklin, Ryan Gurr, Kim Pollock, Gail Artrip, Della Lowe

Ryan reported that he was able to get into the SUBA website. Ryan is waiting for additional information from Vincent on how to manage updates. Ryan will meet with Craig and Kim to pass on information. Denise will provide information on website hosting to determine if we  need to change host site and appropriate timing for that change. 


Volunteers: Kye Nordfelt (Chair), Marc Mortensen, Denise Purdue


Marc reviewed the SUBA strategic action plan, goals, and tasks including current status of each item. We have completed many tasks, and are making good progress on the plan.

Goal 1: Help cities implement their Active Transportation Plans.

No discussion.

Goal 2: Review Street Projects during the planning phase and provide feedback for cyclists.

Goal is to receive information in advance of resurfacing and restriping projects to determine if they match the Active Transportation Plan.

John reported that he has a long-standing relationship with Chuck Gillette in Ivins, with John having contributed bicycle lane information to the Ivins Master Active Transportation Plan. Ivins has shown itself to be very bicycle friendly.

Jeff has compiled a list of upcoming UDOT projects, but has not looked at them from an Active Transportation perspective. He will analyze those and report back. 

Dannielle reported on the need for cities to review their Active Transportation Plans for relevance in this environment of rapidly changing infrastructure requirements with the rapid growth the area is experiencing. Marc noted the need for an Active Transportation Specialist/Coordinator to participate in the Active Transportation Plan review meetings. Ryan suggested offering a volunteer(s) to fill the gap until the City is able to budget, fund, and hire a specialist. Marc was unsure how open the City would be to having a volunteer in this position, thinking a trained Transportation Engineer or Active Transportation Specialist would be the preference. Kim suggested Ryan put together a brief proposal, and Craig suggested that if the City did not accept the proposal it might

spark the City to revisit filling the position. Ryan will develop a proposal to be reviewed by the committee before submittal to the City.

Goal 3: No discussion.

Goal 4: Help Dixie State University become more bike friendly.

We are waiting to hear back from our DSU contact to formally introduce Gail as their liaison and to hear the results of the LAB application.

Goal 5: Recognize developers/businesses/governments for excellence in bicycle improvements. We are working on awards to be presented at SUHBA.

Goal 6: Celebrate/Highlight Successes of SUBA.

Kye did an excellent job on a video highlighting the success of the Bloomington Hills Safe Routes to School project. Jeff Sanders reported that UDOT received an award for the Southern Parkway.

ROAD/TRAIL UPDATES: No further discussion.


🖉 Marc asked if the board would be interested in Committee Breakout suggestions during our board meetings, followed by a brief report to the board, helping to eliminate separate Committee meetings. Several board members expressed a concern that it would significantly lengthen the board meeting and/or not provide enough time for the committee to do its work. Patty suggested we do it on an as-needed basis, rather than every month.

🖉 Safe Routes to School Grant – Jeff Sanders reported there is a UDOT grant progrm, with amounts available between $50,000 and $200,000, for infrastructure relating to Safe Routes to Schools. Applications are due October 23rd. Bike parking facilities; crossing

improvements; signals, signage, sidewalks, etc. are all acceptable uses. Jeff will follow  up with Kye, who may have a list o potential projects identified. Marc will reach out to  the school district for project idea 

Dannielle reported there is also a Health Department grant available. This grant may be more related to education and safety.

🖉 SUBA’s expansion into Cedar City – Ryan led a discussion around whether or not we should include a board member from Cedar City. Cedar City is currently developing an Active Transportation Plan in conjunction with updating their Master Plan. As the population increases, the distinction between Iron and Washington Counties may decrease, and there may be more opportunities for collaboration. Craig suggested we invite a member of the Cedar City Active Transportation Committee to join a future board meeting. Jeff reported that UDOT is starting a three- or four-month project with SUU to improve the loop around the University, which is a UDOT road. The project is being developed in cooperating with several SUU students as their capstone project. Ryan will coordinate with Kye. 

🖉 Tracy Munson reported on forthcoming UDOT budget cuts, which will affect sweeping and mowing and directly affect Washington County bike routes. Dannielle asked about the possibility of community volunteers, and Tracy indicated we would need to go through the Adopt-a-Road program. Tracy indicated UDOT would try to maintain designated bike routes. Craig reported on the problem of gravel hauling trucks and uncovered loads.

Meeting adjourned at 3:08 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Denise Purdue, Secretary / Treasurer

Thank you for supporting SUBA!