Meet the Southern Utah Bicycle Alliance Board of Directors
Kelli Prince

Patty Wise

Vice President
La Verkin City Council
Part of my council duties are reporting on the planning commission meetings, promoting and reporting economic development, tourism and trails-related recreation.
In the last three years, I have been heavily involved in La Verkin formalizing a Master Trails Plan as an addendum to the City Master General Plan and Transportation Plan. The city is already improving one trailhead and starting work on a new pocket park.
I am also on the Zion Regional Collaborative Board and Committee for the 22 mile multi-use Trail Feasibility Study from Springdale to Hurricane. My passion is keeping trails open and building new trails where people will have easy access to thrive in the outdoors.
It is an honor to serve on the SUBA board; a group that gets things done!
On a personal level, I hike and mountain bike as much as I can. I enjoy traveling and exploring with family and friends.
Denise Purdue

Secretary / Treasurer
Craig Shanklin

Historian, Past President
Jacqualine Grant

Assistant Professor of Biology & Director of the Garth and Jerri Frehner Museum of Natural History • Southern Utah University
Ryan Gurr

Past President
Owner, Red Rock Bicycles
He was a founding member of SUBA and has seen the group affect policy and infrastructure to benefit both local and visiting cyclists. As a lifetime cyclist, Ryan’s passion lead his career path from a bicycle mechanic in 1998 to the owner of Red Rock Bicycle today.
Dannielle Larkin

Past President
St George City Council
•30 year resident of majestic Southern Utah
•St George Bicycle Collective co-founder
•St George City Councilwoman
Arthur LeBaron

City Engineer, City of Hurricane
Over the years I have done a lot of mountain biking, but over the last 12 years I have mostly stuck to road cycling as a daily commuter and Ironman St. George competitor.
I have 7 children, all of whom have been taught, and expected to use their bikes for transportation to school and otherwise. Active transportation is a passion of mine, and as the City Engineer for Hurricane City, I strive to provide public infrastructure that is friendly to all modes of transportation, including cycling.
In my perfect world school children would either be bussed or ride their bikes or walk to school and there would be no traffic jams in the school-yard, or parents idling their cars in the parking lot. Cyclists and motorists would show
each other mutual respect, each observing the others’ legal and practical right to use of the road.
I love living Southern Utah where cycling can take place at least 300 days out of the year, and traffic is not a huge factor on most of our popular cycling routes. It is a privilege for me to serve on the SUBA Board where I have the opportunity to advocate for bicycle-friendly policies and infrastructure across the region and
hopefully make a positive, meaningful difference for future generations!
Marc Mortenson

Past Vice President
Assistant City Manager, City of St George
He and the St. George Active Transportation Committee spearheaded the development of the city’s first active transportation plan specific to St. George to be incorporated in the City’s Master Transportation Plan under ordinance in 2017.
Better trail connectivity, more education for motorists and cyclists, increased visibility of cyclists, and improved on-street cycling facilities are of the upmost importance to Marc in making our city more bicycle friendly. His end goal is for bicycling to be seen not only as a fun recreational activity, but also as a viable means of transportation for locals and visitors.
Kye Nordfelt

Past President
Kye has worked in public health for over a decade on topics ranging from promoting active transportation to discouraging teen drug use. Kye is an avid biker – enjoying his daily bike commute to work. Kye completed his Masters of Public Administration from Brigham Young University.
Kye resides in St. George with his wife, 5 children and dog; he enjoys mountain biking and recreating outdoors with his family in southern Utah.
Christian Olson

Kim Pollock

Kim is a retired Informations Systems executive in the Biotech and Consumer Products industries. In addition to this position, he also serves on the Boards of the Intermountain Hospital Foundation and the Utah Public Lands Alliance.
He and his wife Shelly settled in St George in 2016 after 14 years of wanderlust while on the road in their Motorhome and Jeep.
They both love St George and all that it has to offer including an incredible network of Bike trails which they routinely explore.
Grant Shimer

Lloyd Sutton

Active Transportation Coordinator, City of St. George
Paul Walker
And our Advisory Council Members
Jon Pike

Utah Commissioner of Insurance
In 2007, Jon was elected to the St. George City Council and in 2013 he was elected mayor of St. George. He serves on the boards of Dixie State University, Dixie Technology College, the Washington County Water Conservancy District, Encircle — St. George, and previously as the president of the Utah League of Cities and Towns. He is currently the Utah Commissioner of Insurance serving under Governor Cox.
Jon and his wife are active bicyclists.
Brett Burgess

Gail Artrip

Chair, Community Outreach
Gail’s favorite road route is through Snow Canyon – a big challenge for this flatlander – more granny gears please!
She has been involved in bike advocacy for the past eight years, with an emphasis on planning Bike to School Day for student riders and on organizing twice-weekly evening rides for folks who may have been away from biking for a number of years. The goal of both of these is simply to get more folks on bikes more of the time through these kinds of low hanging fruit initiatives.
She enjoys riding for fitness and pleasure but most especially likes cycle touring, with recent trips to Switzerland, Germany and Austria. Gail is very grateful for the long, sunny cycling season we enjoy here in St. George.
Tom Dansie
SUBA Advisory Council Member
Leslie Fonger
SUBA Advisory Council Member
Nick Geyer
SUBA Advisory Council Member
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)
Kevin Lewis

SUBA Advisory Council Member
Director of Tourism - Washington County
Kevin is a graduate of Southern Utah University with degrees in Broadcast Journalism and English.
Della Lowe
SUBA Advisory Council Member
Scott Messel

SUBA Advisory Council Member
Tracy Munson
SUBA Advisory Council Member
UDOT rep
John Reed

Bike Utah Rep
Like most people when I was a kid I was an enthusiastic cyclist. My first bike was a World War II vintage Rollfast that was a handed down from my dad. Naturally I couldn’t reach the seat and had to do all my pedaling standing up. I decorated it myself with red and blue spray paint. I come from a cycling heritage. 30 years after I traded it for motorized transportation my father still used it, commuting 10 miles across Salt Lake to where he worked as a music teacher. I tried to get him to buy a new bike but his response was “I can just lean this up against a tree anywhere and don’t have to worry about it. And even if someone steals it for a ride the police know who it belongs to and return it to me.
I took up cycling later in life when I was in my mid-20s. First it was for fitness and then enjoyment. I have been an avid cyclist ever since. Road at first and then mountain when they came out. I cycle back and forth between the two now.
On advocacy:
Improving the cycling environment in Washington County has always been important to me. I believe that bicycles have the same right to the road as cars and that the roadways should reflect that. All projects that improve roadways for motorists should also include improve facilities for cyclists. Accomplishing this works best when we can work with government instead of just pointing out what they do wrong. I have been excited to see bicycling
being given an emphasis by local and state governments.
Another aspect of improving cycling opportunities had been to work with children to educate them in biking safely and helping create an environment where they feel comfortable riding. I have been happy and proud to be a part of the Southern Utah Bicycle Alliance that has been a key in these efforts.
What I would like to see in the future:
There has been really good growth of bicycling infrastructure in Washington County. One prospect that excites me a continuous paved trails system from Ivins to Zion National Park.
Nate Weinberg
SUBA Advisory Council Member
Five Counties Association of Governments